Loki's twin (Preference) pt2

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Yeah I'm back ig

And I watched Loki ep 3 and I'm sooo happy!

I think spoiler alert but it's not a big spoiler I promise

*Months later*

I was sitting at the table, reading another book I borrowed from Loki when he sat down next to me, sighing "Hello y/n."

I smiled "Hello Loki, how are you feeling?"

He smiled "Tired."

I look at him "Physically or emotionally?"

"When one is tired emotionally, one can also notice that they are tired physically."

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He smiled "I like how you get worried."

"What you just said worried me." I explained.

He chuckled a bit.

"I know."

"I'm alright, spending these last months with you has me searching for some bigger apology than what I've already told you."

"Loki," I smiled "There's no reason to tell me another apology, I know just how sorry you are, trust me, you say it in your head a lot."

He smiled at me.

"I know, I just wish I was a better brother to you."

I smiled "At least you were a brother, Thor ignored me."

"I was a horrible brother."

"Still a brother." I smiled.

"And besides, we still have time to fix things."

He smiled.

"Yeah, we have the next 3000 years." He laughed.

He sighed "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

We went silent for a moment.

"We should make some of Mother's bread." He smiled.

I smiled too "You think so?"

"Yes, of course, I do."

"Okay, let's do it." I smiled widely.

He smiled back at me and then we got up to make some bread.

*A year later*

I walk up to Loki, after entering his room and closing his door.

"Hey, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Well, actually I have something to ask you first."

"Alright, go ahead."

"What are you today?" I asked and he smiled a tiny bit.

"Well, I feel like a pretty princess." He said sarcastically.

I smiled "You know you shouldn't be afraid to show me your true self right?"

He scoffed a bit "I am a bit busy at the moment, what do you need to tell me?"

I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Okay, I guess you deserve to know."

"I'm pregnant." I get a little excited.

"Who's the father?"

"Does it matter? I'm having twins! And I'd love it if you could be there for them." I said happily.

He smiled "I trust that I'm the first person you told?"

"Yes, of course."

"How far along are you?"

"Three months."

We went quiet.

"So, twins?"

I nod.

"Yes, twins."



He almost looked pleased.

"I'm not surprised, twins more likely have twins."

"Why won't you tell me who the father is?" He asked.

I sighed softly "Because even the father doesn't know they exist."

"Yes, I'm the first one you told."

"And he won't ever know they're his."

He looks at me.


"Because I don't want to tell him."

He sighed "Alright, I'll be there for them, I'll be a better father than mine was."

"Ours were." I corrected.

He smiled at me "Who are you? The grammar police?"

I laughed softly.

"What are you busy with? I could help."

"There a song stuck in my head, mother sang it to us when we were children, remember?"

"The one in Asgardian?"

"Yes! That one, I remember the melody, but I don't remember the words."


"I know the words, mother sang it to me all the time."

He smiled "Great! Sing it to me."


I sat down on his bed and I started singing the song. (Just play the video ffs)

He plopped down next to me and he had started singing along with me.

When we were done singing he said "You have to sing that to the twins growing up."

"We should." I agreed.

He smiled at me.

"We?" He asked.

"Yes, we have to."

He chuckled softly.

"Well, I would be honored to sing to your children."

I smiled.

"I know."

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