Perfect Day

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A/n ahhhh sorry this took so long to write! I know it's been over a week and I'm so thrilled that people are reading so the pressure has really been on! hope you enjoy!

Moving day arrived quickly with cloudy skies. Even with Bucciarati's impossibly fast deadline, nobody was surprised when Fugo and Narancia were able to make it happen. The third floor of the old spaghetti warehouse was ready to serve as the temporary home for the gangsters. Fugo had originally asked for the fourth floor, but after resistance from a certain unnamed comrade, settled for the third. Bedrooms had been built around the edges of the open loft, with two employee bathrooms turned into more luxurious accommodations. Giant windows ran along the wall, allowing a near-360 view of the streets below and letting plenty of natural light in during the day. On an overcast day like this, however, the loft was gray and full of shadows.

"Bro, is this marble?" Mista asked with excitement as he ran his palm over the long sink counter that spanned the length of the bathroom. "And is this real porcelain?!" he shouted when he saw the toilet.

"Don't fucking yell, idiot, I'm right behind you," Fugo shouted back. "But yes, the plumbers didn't skimp after they deduced that this was being done for Bucciarati. Anyways, why are you surprised? The bathrooms at Bucciarati's place are like this, too."

"Yea, but Bucciarati's place isn't a loft! This place is really trendy! Ya know, like models and artists and DJs live in places like this..." Mista trailed off as he stepped into the tub. "This tub is huge! I bet all of us could fit if we hug our legs in!"

Fugo rolled his eyes. "NARANCIA!" he shouted into the huge open living area. Narancia sat up from a newly furnished couch with a Gameboy in his hands. "What!?" he shouted back as he stood and walked towards the bathroom to meet Fugo.

"Do you think this place is too trendy?" Fugo asked earnestly.

"Uhhhhh..." Narancia hummed open-mouthed as he considered it. "I don't really know what's trendy," he concluded and scratched his hair and adjusted his headband.

"Like DJs and models would live here!" Mista said, still standing in the tub.

"Oh! Yea! Then this place is totally trendy!" Narancia lit up. "It's like somewhere they would have warehouse parties, with live DJs and tons of beautiful people getting drunk and dancing all night!"

"Yea! We should have a big party!" Mista jumped out of the tub.

"NO! Absolutely not! This is a hideout, the purpose of us being here is to stay hidden, not put ourselves on display like a bunch of party peacocks!" Fugo was massively annoyed at the idea of having a party where they lived. "Now, quit fantasizing and help me move these mattresses into the bedrooms," he commanded. A strong gust of wind blew and distracted the three teens for a moment as the old building creaked and windows rattled.

A/n I'll let you decide who said that, heh


Bucciarati was pacing his house as he looked around for last things to pack up and bring over to the new place. "I can't think of anything else," he stopped and placed one hand on his hip, with the other hand on his cheek. "I wish I knew how long we'll be stuck staying there."

Abbacchio grunted in response. "Anything in the garage?" he asked.

Bucciarati gasped, "Shit, I haven't looked there. Lira, please come to the garage with me and Abbacchio." He would not take any more chances of leaving her alone after Amarezza had employed some of Passione's own members to kidnap her. Lira sighed, thinking it was ridiculous, but cute in a way. She stood up and allowed Bucciarati to escort her to the garage. It was mostly empty - Bucciarati's personal car was stored there, but he never drove it. Every vehicle he drove "on business" would always be rented, for security reasons. Lira eyeballed the assortment of various garage things - some tools, fishing poles, what seemed to be a folded-up sail, and a storage shelf with boxes labeled "Papá." It dawned on Lira that Bruno had kept the most cherished of his father's belongings. He must be a really sentimental, family-oriented guy, she thought. He really loved his father.

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