Bucciarati's Reservoir Dogs moment

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Bucciarati passed them in a hot wired Honda Civic, skerching sideways in front of the tunnel, effectively blocking it. "Who the fuck is that?" Tony asked rhetorically, slamming the brakes. Both men got out of their respective cars. "Hey, who the fuck are you?" Tony asked.

"Let's have a chat," Bucciarati said emotionlessly as he brandished a pistol and walked towards the man. Tony laughed.

"Fuck outta here," he said before yelling "PRODIGY! FIRESTARTER!" A red humanoid stand appeared with blacked out eyes and two fins made of fire on its head. It rushed forward with a flamethrower-type attack aimed at Bucciarati.

"STICKY FINGERS!" A zipper appeared in the ground underneath Bucciarati, which he fell into and closed just before the flames hit. Tortellini looked around frantically with menacing eyes. Bucciarati flew out of the ground behind him and zippered Tortellini's head clean off before zipping his wrists together behind his back.

A/n the rest of this chapter is a torture scene. it's not gory (no blood!) but it is *ahem* bizarrre. you have been warned.

Lira stifled a scream as the man's head hit the ground. Bucciarati pulled a folding chair out of the Honda and propped Tortellini's body up in it, zipping his legs open to the chair's front legs. Lira watched in shock as he then put Tortellini's head on the chair between his own legs.

Bucciarati then turned his attention to Lira still seated in the Astin Martin. "Get out of the car! Hands in the air! Now!" he yelled and pointed the gun at her. She did as she was told, fumbling out in the peach bikini with her hands raised. It's an act. It's just an act.

He zipped her mouth shut and pulled her hands behind her back, zipping them together before marching her towards the decapitated body on the chair. She looked away, not wanting to see the gruesome scene.

"Who's your boss?" Bucciarati demanded, shoving Lira on her knees in front of Tony Tortellini. It was then she saw his face - the eyes on the decapitated head were open and pleading for sympathy. Groans came from his mouth. He was alive? "I have your little baby doll right here, do you want her to die?" Bucciarati yelled and unzipped Tony's mouth.

"I don't know that whore," Tortellini pleaded, even as he was staring at Lira's chest. Bucciarati zipped his mouth again, then pulled Lira up from the ground. "Ok then, I'll have my own fun with her," Bucciarati said and pushed her behind the chair and towards the Honda Civic. He put her in the backseat and put zippers around her ankles and knees. "I'm sorry, cara," he stuck his head in the car and whispered. Lira was surprised by what happened next: he put a cloth sack over her head before closing the car door. He doesn't want me to see... She summoned Lovecat, who promptly grabbed the sack with its teeth and pulled it off. Lira huffed through her nose, because her mouth still had a zipper on it. She was bound and gagged with Bucciarati's zippers. She managed to sit up in the backseat to see out the windows.

"You'd really sacrifice your own girlfriend for your boss?" Bucciarati spat. "Don't you think love is sacred? Tell me your boss's name." If the man cracked, he wouldn't have been able to say anything through the zipper on his mouth. Bucciarati zipped open his own chest and pulled something out that was roughly the size of his hand. It took Lira a second to realize that the item itself was a hand with tattoos on it. Bucciarati shoved the severed hand in Tortellini's face. "Recognize this?" Bucciarati asked rhetorically. A noise emitted from Tortellini's throat. "Ah, so you knew Lenny Linguine. That's a shame." He set the severed hand palm-down on top of Tortellini's head. "Do you want to end up like him?" Bucciarati asked emotionlessly.

Lenny Linguine... that's who killed my mother... Lira wondered how Bucciarati had gotten his hand. Fugo was tasked to take care of the body. Now she wondered what exactly "take care of the body" meant.

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