The fisherman and the seamstress

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Recap: Passione came together to finally take down Steve Stromboli for good at the masquerade ball. Bucciarati and Lira are on their way home. Or are they?

Everything about Napoli was mesmerizing after dark. Lira watched the charming glow of the street lamps pass by as Bucciarati drove them home. Warm smells of garlic and tomatoes wafted from restaurants and houses to briefly fill the air in the car. Bucciarati took a hand off the steering wheel and placed it on Lira's thigh. Her breath hitched at the surprise, but she quickly relaxed and turned her gaze towards him. He stole a quick glance at her, a smirk on his lips.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Mhmm," she responded as she studied his face. "Just glad it's finally over."

"It's not over," Bucciarati said seductively. "We're just getting started."

Bucciarati parked the car. Lira looked away from him and realized he had driven them to a fishing dock. "Bruno," she giggled. "What is this place?"

"I want to show you something."

They got out of the car, and Bucciarati immediately held Lira's hand and began guiding her down the dock. "Buonasera, Bucciarati!" a random fisherman called out as they walked by.

"The stars look lovely from here," she said as she craned her neck towards the sky. Bucciarati took the opportunity to plant a kiss on her neck. "Bruno!" she gasped and giggled at the surprise.

"They always look nice here," he said, playing off his flirtatious kiss. Strands of hair had escaped his bun and were now framing his face. He tucked a bit behind his ear. Lira couldn't help but admire how beautiful he was with the water and stars behind him.

Bucciarati stopped at a fishing boat and quietly announced, "We're here." He escorted her onto the deck, tightening his grip on her hand as he walked her to the bow.

"Bruno, are we trespassing?" she said playfully, although she really was curious to know.

"No," Bucciarati let go of her hand and fished his keys out his pocket. He approached the helm and inserted his key. A loud rumbled broke through the quiet dock as the engine started up.

"Have a seat, cara," Bruno motioned to a padded bench near him. "I can't have you falling overboard tonight and ruining that lovely dress, amore mio."

Ok, I guess Bruno has a boat, Lira thought as she settled into her seat. The boat was a little old and dirty, but she was impressed nonetheless.

"Looking that good must be exhausting," Bucciarati flirted as his eyes trailed her form.

Lira giggled a small "Oh my god." He was laying it on thick.

"Just relax, and I'll take you for a ride," he said. He smirked and slowly pulled the boat out of the dock. Bucciarati sped up a bit once they had cleared the harbor. Lira felt the jilt of each crashing wave. She grabbed her hair to stop it from blowing so much. Goosebumps formed on her arms as the wind chilled her skin. She looked at Bruno, who seemed serene at the wheel with the wind blowing in his hair. Finally, the boat slowed to a stop, and Bucciarati dropped the anchor. The lights from the dock were far off on the horizon.

"Bruno, this is lovely," Lira said as her teeth began to chatter, "but I'm not dressed for an evening boat ride."

"Lira! I'm so sorry," Bucciarati gasped and immediately took off his velvet masquerade jacket, wrapping it around her. "I forgot how cold the night air is out on the water, especially for those who don't have their sea legs." He sat next to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. He briskly rubbed a hand up and down her back to warm her.

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