Mista's hat

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Mista's coffee mug shattered on the floor. Lira had just walked out of Bucciarati's bedroom in his boxers and shirt. "Gattina...I mean, Lira," he gasped and covered his mouth, "you didn't... did you?"

"Huh?" Lira scratched her head as she walked to the coffee pot. She got two mugs and began pouring another coffee for Mista when Fugo walked out of his bedroom. "Mista, did you fucking break a coffee mug?" he stomped in and fumed.

Lira poured a third cup, giving one to Mista, one to Fugo, and one to herself. Fugo's mouth fell when he saw Bucciarati's boxer shorts hanging off her hips. "LIRA!" he gasped. "Girl, tell me you got that Bucci Coochie!" he excitedly whispered while grabbing her arm and dragging her to the living room.

Hot coffee spewed out of Mista's nose when he heard the term 'Bucci Coochie.' "AHH FUCK FUCK FUCK MY BRAIN'S BURNT!" he grabbed his face and yelled as he fell to his knees in a puddle of coffee and broken mug pieces.

"Mista! Quit making such a fucking mess!" Fugo snapped as the gunman rolled in pain on the kitchen floor. He turned his attention back to Lira, "C'mon, spill it. Bucciarati's out at some meeting right now so you can tell me why you're in his undies, girl!" he cheesed.

"Huh? I just slept in this," she pulled at the shirt. "We've never even kissed." She sipped her coffee. Damn she felt tired.

"Are you fucking serious?" Fugo was astonished.

"Yea, but check this out," she said, sticking her hand out and flashing him the gold Passione ring.

Fugo grabbed her hand and thumbed the ring. "Holy fucking shit," he said in awe. "What is this?"

"Oh my god, Fugo," Lira widened her eyes and gave him a look that said You won't believe this crazy shit. "So after the hit, Bucciarati walked me to the beach in Amalfi, and we sat looking at the ocean. He even took his jacket off and I was all like," she dropped her jaw and fanned her face, "and then he just unzips his chest and pulled this little velvet box out and hands it to me. 'It's from Pericolo,' he says, and I open it, and it's this ring. Then he got all worried that I wouldn't accept it, and he actually took my hand and slid the ring on my finger."

Fugo had one hand covering his mouth and the other holding Lira's ring hand. "And you didn't fuck last night?

"He said the ring means that I work for Passione, but I'm not an actual member," Lira said. "Not exactly romantic," she rolled her eyes. "But the act around it? Amalfi and him putting the ring on?" Lira placed a hand over her heart and comically fell backwards on the couch. Fugo snickered.

"When Bucciarati gave me my Passione member pin, he tossed it to me outside of a prison," he smirked. "A far cry from the beauty of an Amalfi beach."

"Did you say Bucciarati gave you something that shows you work for Passione?" Mista walked over after he'd cleaned up his mess of broken mugs and coffee. "What is it? Let me see."

Lira held her hand out so that the ring was in Mista's face. His mouth opened slightly and his eyes grew. "Wooooow," he said slowly, quietly. "Did you say he gave this to you at the beach? That's so romantic, it's just like a movie!" Mista sighed. "Mista exits coolly. I mean, I'm happy for you!" He stood back up and went to his room.

"Man really burnt his brain with the coffee," Lira shook her head. Fugo just hummed and kept his mouth shut. Cher's 'Believe' started playing loudly from Mista's room, causing Fugo's face to turn red in embarrassment. "He's been listening to this on repeat," Fugo muttered and facepalmed. Lira bobbed her head to the tune.

They sat drinking coffee for the entirety of the Cher song before Mista walked back out with a small red bundle in his hands. "Hey Lira," he said sheepishly and rubbed his head. "I got this fabric for my hat while you were gone."

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