Undercover Lover 🔫

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Several days passed with no contact from any of the Passione boys. Lira was beginning to wonder if Bucciarati had ordered them not to talk to her. No, she was sure he had. Even Fugo hadn't come back since the day they saw Leaky Eye Luca. The day they found out how much of a heartless gangster Bucciarati really was.

She was watching TV with her mom when the news came on. Typical news stories about schools, robberies, and politicians. And then another increasingly common story about a murdered sex worker. "Mama mia," Lira's mom muttered. "Another one." These headlines always made Lira's mom sad. Lira could understand why. That means they haven't caught the guy, she thought. But I could.

She went in her room and pulled out Luca's business card. She flipped it over in her fingers, wondering if she should really call him. Would Lovecat get me out of it? she wondered. If she could go in undercover working for Luca, she could be a one-woman sting operation to catch the serial killer. But it was dangerous. Fugo was right, Lovecat didn't work on everyone. She dialed Luca's number.

"Luca here, who's speaking?"

"Ciao Luca, it's Lira from the tailoring shop."

"Bella! I thought Bucciarati had locked you in a cage all for himself."

"Ermm, no," she hesitated. "Do you remember what we did... for my audition?" she had to know if Lovecat worked.

"Of course I remember the most mind-blowing fuck of my life," Luca groaned. Lira winced and swallowed her pride, thankful that Lovecat's ability was what she thought.

"Ok, well, I'm ready to work for you," she tried not to vomit in her mouth.

"Yes, bella, amazing," he growled. "Come to the Club Passione tonight at 9pm and ask for me."

"Club Passione?"

"Yea, it's the name of the famiglia, and the name of the strip club. Come in and I'll get you started, baby. I can't wait to see you."

"Alright, see you then. Ciao."


Lira walked to the club in jeans and a baseball hat, hoping nobody would recognize her in the disguise. She looked at the sign and eyed the plain door before walking in. "I'm here for Luca," she told the guard who was standing inside. He murmured something into his radio that sounded like "fresh meat" before saying, "Wait here."

Several minutes passed before Luca emerged. "Bella! Come with me," he put his arm around her waist and guided her through the club to his office. Undressed women were dancing on stage as well as at tables. Various types of men sat around drinking and gawking. "So, bella, do you want to work on the poles, or in the back? Personally, I think you'd excel in the back," he said once they were in his office. The back seemed ideal, as it was the most likely place the killer would go. And nobody she knew would spot her.

"Um.. the back," she said timidly.

"Don't get shy now, baby," he said and opened a closet. "You gotta change, doll. Here, put this on," he pulled an outfit from the closet and handed it to her. It was a black lace bodysuit.

"Um, I'll change in the room," she said.

"Whatever, follow me," Luca said and led her to the back catacombs of the club, which consisted of hallways of private rooms. He opened one and gave her a slight push inside.

"Luca, baby, is that you?" a strung-out woman's voice called from down the hall. "Bella, get changed, I gotta go take care of something but I'll be right back," he said to Lira before shutting the door. What have I gotten myself into? she wondered as she quickly undressed and put the bodysuit on. She kicked her clothes underneath the bed. The room was actually pretty nice. A large canopy bed with black lace hanging down around it sat across from a gigantic mirror. A large TV was attached to another wall with a plush couch nearby. There was a private bathroom. A window looked out into the city.

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