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"Ahhh hahah, ehehehe, this is gonna be so good!" Narancia whisper-squealed to himself as he clicked the button on the Polaroid camera he had found in the castle. The camera emitted its mechanical whirring noise before spitting the photo paper out. Narancia ran out of the room.

Lira awoke in the morning with the feeling of overly warm weights pinning down her arms and shoulders. She felt hot breath surrounding her neck. She opened her eyes and, turning her head side-to-side, found herself in the middle of the bed with Bucciarati and Mista on either side of her. She was on her back, and they were both nuzzled into her on their respective side. Mama mia... how did I get in the middle? A huge grin appeared on her face. This was the lap of luxury - waking up between two gorgeously buff mafiosos who would do anything for her.

But she couldn't stay there. One, because Bucciarati would probably murder Mista. And two, because she really really had to go to the bathroom. She carefully slid out through the bottom of the bed and turned to look  at them. Bucciarati had slept in his suit, while Mista was wearing a flamboyant bright pink nightgown with yellow embellishments that Joseph had lent him after the events of last night. They both stirred slightly, but neither of them woke up.

Lira freshened up in the bathroom, taking the chance to shower and make herself presentable. When she came back to the room, she was surprised to find that without her in the bed, Bucciarati and Mista had gravitated towards each other and were now cuddling without her. Mista was a very adorable little spoon. Lira tried to stifle her giggles, but she ended up wheezing as her face turned red. Oh my god, they... this is too perfect. Seeing them in bed together like this brought tears of laughter to her eyes. Of course, it was a delicious sight, but she didn't think she would ever see anything like it.

Bucciarati stirred awake at the sounds of Lira's laughter. "Mmmm, cara," he mumbled groggily, sending Lira into another fit of laughter. Bucciarati opened his eyes to find that his face was buried in thick, curly brown hair. Curly brown hair that couldn't belong to anyone else except,

"MISTA!" Bucciarati rolled out of the gunman's embrace as Lira covered her devious smile with her hands. "Uhhhh" Bucciarati grumbled as he sat up on the edge of the bed. Mista fluttered his eyes open and grumbled, "I had a weird dream... Tentacles..."

"That wasn't a dream," Bucciarati grumbled back. "Get dressed. Mr. Joestar said his stand, Hermit Purple, might be able to help us find Lira's father. Now that we've all had our rest, I don't intend on delaying that any longer."

Lira took a seat as Bucciarati and Mista pulled themselves together and got ready for the day. Mista was ready almost immediately - all he did was pick his clothes up off the ground and pull them on. Lira watched in awe as he struggled slightly to pull his tiger-striped pants up over his shapely backside. Of course, she averted her gaze when Bucciarati walked back into the room. "I'm heading down, catch ya in the dining room," Mista said nonchalantly. Bucciarati gave a swift nod as the gunman headed out of the room.

"Lira, have you seen this yet?" Bucciarati asked as he opened the door to the balcony. A small smirk danced across his face as he ushered the seamstress outside. "Check it out."

"Whoa!" she said as she took in the sight. The view was beautiful. In one direction was nothing but sea and the expanding horizon; the other direction had the coast of Venezia off in the distance. The sky and sea were both gorgeous varying shades of blue. "All this blue reminds me of your eyes," she said quietly before turning to look at him and confirming what she had said was true.

"That's so romantic, cara," Bucciarati let out a small chuckle. "Remember a while ago when you said we should vacation to Venezia?" He wrapped his arms around her from behind as they both looked out into the sea. "I bet this isn't what you had in mind."

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