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very short.

"DARRYL I'M GOING WITH AUNTIE KAREN!" My mother yelled, waking me up. Suddenly she opens my door."What." She gasped, noticing the bump under my blanket.

"Is that ur girlfriend?!" She snarled, Zak sits up. "Morning Darryl.." he yawns, "WHAT?!" She screams. "Mother, this is just a friend." I tried to explain to her, "THEN WHY IS HE IN YOUR BED?" My mother shrieked.

"M-mother, he had nowhere else to sleep!" I explained, but she wasn't getting it. "Your friend needs to leave, NOW!" She screams, Zak gulps but then shortly running out of the bedroom door... then out the front door until I heard a loud slam.

"DARRYL YOU KNOW BETTER, WE GO TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY!" My mother yells furiously, I flinch. "We'll talk about this later.." she mutters before leaving my room.

"The knife..?" I thought, "No Darryl! You've gotten over that!" I whispered to myself, I sighed. I looked over to my left to see the spot empty, I grabbed a pillow and started to sob.

all my fault | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now