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"thank you for this" i grab onto the portafolio that cleo hands to me before dropping it onto my bed.

it's been 2 days since i last talked to leo after our argument and about his family. 2 days since he decided to just basically shove me out of his house and tell me to head out.

i know i shouldn't be going through his personal stuff but i'm nervous, intrigued, and want to know more.

i had called cleo to see if she could sneak me his portafolio from ana's office. i didn't tell her why though she just simply complied as i told her to watch out thinking she wouldn't do so.

only for me to be proven wrong as she walked into my house with the folder in hand and a grin on her face.

"you're still not telling me what's it for anyways" she states as if i already didn't know that before sitting across from me on my bed. my fingers opens it up to see leo's starter photos of his past modeling shoots before seeing his contract and records.

is this legal? no. was it worth it? probably not.

as i re-read over his information i groan finding nothing but an 'N/A' for family background. shutting the thing back i throw it across the room and rake my fingers along my hair frustrated.

"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO FIND THIS SHIT!" i cry out loud as cleo kept it quiet. how could he not worry about this anymore while i'm over here going crazy.

grabbing my phone i look for leo's contact before calling him only for me to hear the line instantly cut off.

as my eyes go slightly wide i call him again only for the same thing to happen and no beep.

did he just...

"he blocked me." i blurt out making cleo stand up from my bed leaving a slight dent on the sheets.

"what the actual fuck." she gasps as i let my eyes roam around the room not wanting to meet her eyes. "i'm going to—" "do NOTHING. absolutely NOTHING" i point at her as she pouts already a foot away from the door.

cleo could sense me fidgety as she pulls me into a hug before i broke down into tears on her shoulder. i may be over dramatic about the whole situation but the thing that hurts most is that he doesn't trust me.

why can't he tell me?

why couldn't he just specified about everything even if it wasn't in depth.

"i'm so stupid" cleo shakes her head letting her hand smooth out my hair while my salty tears slightly stain her white colored blouse she had on.

what was i even going to do now...


the door opens as i look straight into his eyes and burst into his house. "what a nice way to enter your brothers home" he taunts shutting it before grabbing a glass of whiskey and putting it in my face.

"need?" i scoff before moving it away from me. he shrugs only taking a quick sip of the burning liquid like nothing. he was the exact replica of our mother which made chills spread throughout my body at the thought of it each time i would see him.

"you told her about us. about mom and everything huh" he stops taking the glass away from his lips as it went silent before he bursts into a laughing fit while slapping his knee as if this was some sort of mtv comedy show.

"IM SO FUCKING SERIOUS IF YOU SAID ANYTHING I WILL—" he raises his hands up in defense. "chill man i didn't say anything. i only said to be careful. you're not someone she knows entirely."

my breathing was uneven as he nears my ear. "i wasn't entirely wrong now was i." with that he heads into his living room before i follow him only for me to halt in my tracks seeing lidia in only her underwear.

her breasts freely shown in the air as she smiles at me with a grin while placing her head onto his sofa cushions. i place my hands on my face before groaning at the sight.

"seriously. HIM!?" i gesture towards him as lidia shrugs. "it was either you or him and when i found out you were brothers it was a double kill. you both have some fine genetics there don't ya!"

rolling my eyes i see him lay next to her and place his arm around her head. "plus why are you so mad anyways. don't you like her" he points as i only nod slightly.

he claps quickly. "well then don't cry about it. just tell her the truth" my mouth goes wide as i sarcastically thank him.

"you have no shame in the death of mama don't you" he stiffens before his eyes go dark. "how many times have i told you it WAS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT LEO!" he bursts as i twist my mouth in disgust.

"yet you saved our step dad instead of the parent that WAS ACTUALLY RELATED TO US DAMNIT"
i scream as lidia tucks herself deeper into the sofa at our interaction catching her off guard.

he sighs with a rub of his forehead looking straight at me like i'm the only one in the room; completely ignoring the half naked woman in his hold.

"leo..." i stop him. "i only wanted to know if you said anything to gia but i'll be leaving." i turn over before looking at him once more with hatred in my heart.

why couldnt it been you... alex meyer.

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