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"oh." was the only thing being said throughout the entire thing from cleo's lips. her body stiffens which each word as i started it to when i finished it.

by the time i was done i felt my throat scratchy and dry as i was wanting to just dump myself in a cold bucket of water to cool me down. "so... alex is your brother."

she carefully says making sure she wasn't being disrespectful by anything she would say as i only nod and let the tips of my fingers drag upon each design of my kitchen table.

my stomach felt like twisting as the urge to vomit came back up again. "i'm sorry leo" i only shake my head indicating for her to not say those three words again.

don't get me wrong i don't mind when people pay respects or say that they are sorry for my loss but i can't stand hearing it all the damn time. especially when it's about my own mother.

"when are you going to tell her?" not saying her name i knew who she was talking about either way as i look at her and bite the inside of my cheek. "i don't know honestly—"

"—she hates me already so i don't get the point to tell her either way." i shrug feeling my heart smaller at the words leaving past my dry lips.

as if i didn't want to believe it. cleo notices the change in my demeanor as she goes ahead and grabs my hands into her own catching me slightly off guard when the pad of her thumb gently caresses the back of my hand softly.

"she doesn't hate you..." she mumbles looking straight into my eyes not daring to break contact with my own.  "she may be pissed off at the way you acted with everything and how you hid it from her but she doesn't hate you. gia loves you so much. she knows it. i know it. you know it."

at the mention of love i felt a bit of hope ignite in me like a flame. she loves me.

gia loves me.

i only nod still quiet as cleo let's go making my hands feel cold and hollow once again. as she grabs her purse and spins it back across her shoulder she hops down from her seat.

"just tell her please. the more you hold back the more everything breaks apart." gosh why was she a designer at ana's company when she could easily be a damn therapist or a motivational speaker.

"thanks cleo" she gives me a small smile before turning around on her heel and opening my apartment door before heading off with a loud bang.

once she was out, the silence came once again as i sat there still in my seat, letting the thoughts and words from cleo and everything going on run around in my head.

i had to tell gia. not by text or call, but in person. i can't keep lying to her like that especially knowing that i've hurt her enough already.


my hands hurt from gripping onto my laptop sides as my eyes burned from all the tears and the amount of light coming from the screen.

it was already past midnight as i had just finished up sending a few more emails to other photography companies in desperate need of a job as quick as possible.

don't get me wrong i still have enough cash in my account to pay at least a month worth of groceries and bills but that still doesn't stop me from wanting to work as quick as possible once again.

it was boring being here in my home all dug up into my soft bed comforters almost 24/7. especially when your boyfriend maybe now ex blocks you off everything without a word.

i needed some sun at this point and maybe some vodka. as i yawn letting the palm of my hand cover my open mouth i soon flinch at the sudden sound of my door knocking.

"GO HOME!!" i shout from my room letting the person know it's too late for this before hearing them knock on my door louder and louder each hit.

immediately spewing profanities from under my breath i kick off the sheets angrily from my bare legs and walk down the stairs towards the door.

whoever it is must have a good reason to even be here at the middle of the fucking night.

as i open the door i slam it back only for his hand to come in contact with the door frame before i could fully shut it making me groan.

he soon opens the door with a grin before shutting back close and stepping inside the home that he once called his home as well.

"alex it's past 12 what the fuck are you doing here." i spat out walking away from him pretending i didn't see him place a hand towards his heart as an 'offense' while i open the fridge to let the light of inside light up my face.

"well i just wanted to pay a very important visit." he states sitting down on my bar stool before i turn to face him now with a cold bottle of water in hand while screwing it open to sip onto the cold freshness.

"and that was for?" i wave my hand in a circular motion for him to hurry up as he was simply just wasting my time.

the time i would be easily crying over leo or fighting for some sleep. "i have something to tell you and it's about leo." at the mention of leo's name coming again from his mouth i pause him right then and there.

"stop." he looks at me. "if you're going to try to make me breakup with him it won't work. just because we aren't together doesn't mean—" "you want to know about his family don't you."

alex cuts me off making me stop drinking my water and placing the bottle down rather harshly and in an instant.

he knows.

but not me.

how could alex out of all people know about this.
"that's not my business and it shouldn't even be yours either meyer" i call him by his last name before turning around only for me to drop my water bottle onto the ground, splashing the cold water onto the ground and touching my feet slightly by the drop.

"because he's my brother so i should be in the business. don't you think hm."

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