Drama on wheels

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When got to school I got out the car and eddy helped me out.

"Can we go home." I asked. "You'll be ok, trust me." Jazz said kissing me on my forehead and walking away with ally.

Then Rosie winked at me and walked away hand in hand with Emmy.

"Are you ready." Eddy asked rapping his arm round my waist.

I slid my hand on my neck like I was cutting it, then I pointed to myself, then I pointed to the ground.

It means 'kill me now.' If anyone who didn't get it, you know you tried it.

"Come on, you'll be with me all day, and then Rosalie in P.E." He told me, like I didn't know that.

"Fine, but what happens after school." I ask him. "What's after school." He asked as we walked.

Well as he pushed me.

"Mom signed me up for some type of girls only club." I told him. "How didn't I know." He asked as he opened the door for me.

"Mom told me not to tell you last night at the party." I told him as we walked to the classroom,

the teacher wasn't even here yet. We were really early, but everyone one else was here too.

"I'm be back." I said sliding off my seat. "where are you going." Eddy asked grabbing my arm.

"To the bathroom." I smiled, he let me go and I walked through the halls searching for the bathroom.

I finally found it and when I went in four girls were there, looking mean, and snobby.

"Hey." One of them said. "Hi." I greeted them.

"Wheat are you doing here." The one with blonde hair said. "I have to use the bathroom." I explain.

"You know this is as bathroom right, you need to find a new one." The one with brown hair said,

I think her and the other brunette were twins, they look exactly alike.

"Oh, I just need to use the bathroom." I told them.

"Look I don't know if your new here or something little girl but you need to leave before something happens."

The blonde one said next to the red head.

"Like what." Ally said getting out the stall. "Who are you." The blonde one asked.

"Oh me, I'm the little girls sister, Alice, nice to meet you, and so is she." Ally said as Rosie came out of the other stall.

"Come on girls, we'll see you later Isabella." The red head said walking past me.

"You better hope not." Rosie said following them. "And why not." One of the brunettes said.

"Because this little girl has brothers too." Ally said. "Sure."

The blonde one said turning seeing Emmy and jazz in front of her.

"We have to get to class." The red head said to the girls as they walk away. "Are you ok." Emmy asked.

"Yes, well now your here," I admit. "But I still need to use the bathroom. Bye." I said walking in the bathroom.

After about two minutes in the bathroom, when I walked out Emmy was there.

"I'm here to take you to class." He told me. "I don't need a babysitter." I reminded him.

"Yeah, but it's fun to make you mad." He admitted.
"Fine." I give up.

When I get back to class with Emmy eddy comes to the door,

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