Theme of fear

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As I sat terrified, in his arms, I stopped crying, it's just the tears weren't going away. "It's ok, your safe." He said.

I didn't know what to do. I was still terrified and shooken up. "Eddy, I'm still scared." I told him.

"Ok." He said pulling out his phone and dialing someone, when he spoke it was to quick for me to understand.

"Ok, come on." he said getting me up, with my body still shaking. "Ok." I said walking.

I looked back to see if that thing was still there, it wasn't. Which normally would make you feel happy,

but seriously, it messed with me. I can't see it. "What was that." I asked him.

He didn't look at me, he looked straight as he pushed me faster. "Eddy." I stopped.

I then had the worlds worst headache. I touched my head with my hand and my other toward him.

"Bella are you ok." He asked coming back to me. "Yes, what was that thing." I asked again.

"It was a werewolf. would you come on." He said pulling me.

I was in shock, but it was to short to go into full shock.

When we got back to his car.

I was fine, it's just my heart rate was a little too fast for a normal human.

"Are you fine." He asked. "Yeah, but you guys didn't care to tell me that there are wolves." I complained.

"We didn't want you to know everything. It would hurt you, but if we were going to tell you,

"we wouldn't want you to learn this way, it's not very cool to let you suffer that fear." He explained.

"Wow." I said as he was opening the door. "But you'll be ok." He promised.

"Are you sure. I still wanna play baseball with you." I confessed.

"Well that's not going to happen so next complaint." He offered as he got in the car.

"The werewolves thing. Why didn't it attack me." I asked.

"Because your human, their here to protected humans, and he was trying to get to me." He said starting the Engine.

Then he drove. It was a silent car ride, me looking out the window, and him looking back and forth from the windshield and back to me. Mostly me.

Then we got home and when we got home, they throw a party music playing, a disco ball, a cake on the living room table.

Oh, and a banner on the wall saying

I didn't get it, I went toward the cake on the living room table and it said.
'First day'

It was funny I didn't get too. "Welcome home Bella." Ally said hugging me. "What all this for." I asked confused.

"For you, and us too, but mostly you." She told me as everyone came.

"Bella, come here. Do you get the party theme." Mom asked as she pushed me to the dining room. There were eight presents on the table.

"No." I answered. "Ok, open the gifts." She told me pointing to the small one, so I walked toward the first gift and open it.

It had pencils in it. The second one was a little bigger like all the other gifts. This one had pencil pouch, then there was a ruler.

Then a notebook, folders, everyone of these gift are school supplies, what the heck?

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