~The Beginning of Chaos~

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In case it hasn't been clear:

------- represents a time skip

~~~ represents a point of view change

I never clarified that lol. Enjoy!

3rd Person POV:

"Let me through! I wanna leave!" Y/n exclaimed to the cat standing in the lecture hall's doorway. It was the end of the day and Y/n wanted nothing more than to go back to his dorm and open up a new book. However, he ended up staying a tad later than everyone else to finish writing up notes. And Mr. Trien's cat decided to take a seat in the middle of the doorway, preventing Y/n from leaving.

"Meoooow... Mroowrr..." Lucius yowled, making Y/n let out a loud sigh. He had taken animal linguistics but everything he had learned flew out the window the moment he was out of class.

"Y'know what? I give up. You better not scratch me," Y/n sighed as he hung his bookbag around his shoulder and walked towards the cat. Not caring about any consequences, he scooped Lucius into his arms and carried the cat like it was a baby. Surprisingly, the cat didn't squirm or try to get out of the student's hold. It simply laid in Y/n's arms and quietly purred. "Now, let's get you back to your owner. I have places to be and people to visit," Y/n stated as he walked out of the classroom and down the hallway towards where he assumed his teacher would be.

'I wonder if Malleus would mind a visit...' the h/c-haired student questioned as he walked down a flight of stairs. He wasn't sure if they could even be considered friends, but he would rather be on the older student's good side and get to know him better. Y/n saw Malleus Draconia as a puzzle and a mystery, one which he couldn't seem to resist finding more about.

Looking down at the cat in his hold, Y/n stared into its yellow eyes. Shifting the cat around in his arms, he used his free hand to gently pat the top of its head. He was more focused on the animal he was carrying than the environment around him. Y/n didn't even hear the fast-paced footsteps heading toward him or the accompanying shouting until they were close enough.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Y/n snapped his head up and quickly moved to the side of the hallway. He watched as the monster that caused the wreckage at the opening ceremony rushed past him, followed by Yuuken and two students wearing the Heartslabyl uniform. Y/n watched as the students ran into the cafeteria and out of view. Due to the sudden movement and loud shouting, Lucius squirmed and got out of Y/n's hold. The student watched as the cat ran away, in the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

'What was that?' he questioned before he heard the loud sound of shattering crystal and falling metal in the distance. At that moment, he wasn't sure if he needed to laugh or run away, but his body instinctively made him speed walk away from the scene of the crime. Once he was far enough away, he tried his best to stifle his laughter. 'Did I just witness a murder?... Pfffft'


Staring down at the phone in his hands, Y/n tried his best not to feel overwhelmed by all the stares he was receiving. Instead of heading directly to his dorm, he decided to head to Diasomnia and do a quick check-up on Malleus. However, he was deeply regretting his decision as he sat in a leather chair in the middle of the Diasomnia castle's lounge. Many students glared at him as they passed by, making him nervously shift in his seat.

'Is even worth it? Malleus has whole ass bodyguards to check up on him and make sure he is doing alright... And Silver said he was just disappointed, nothing more... Yeah there is no point in me being here.' With that thought, he stood up and turned to leave. 'Then again, I'm already here and coming here without doing anything would be a waste of time...' Y/n paused his steps for a moment and stood still, trying to make a decision. 'I'll just ask someone where he is, say hello and then leave... A foolproof plan... If I can find the balls to ask someone,' he considered, looking around the room for a student he knew. Unfortunately, he couldn't recognize anyone, making his plan become ten times harder.

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