~It Only Gets Harder~

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I know the way I wrote the classes aren't canon or correct but screw it. It's fanfic and I'll write it how I want lol. Enjoy this filler chapter.

3rd Person POV:

After coming back to his dorm room soaked and dripping in water, Y/n had a relatively peaceful sleep. Of course, there was the slight dread of waking up at an ungodly hour just to get to class on time, but all in all, the night went smoothly.

Once his alarm had spooked him awake, he dragged himself out of bed and slowly completed his morning routine; taking a quick shower in one of the Ignihyde communal bathrooms, brushing his teeth, staring at himself in the mirror and questioning if he should just go back to bed. Shaking off those thoughts, Y/n walked back to the privacy of his own room, a towel-like robe wrapped around him, and lazily changed into his school uniform.

Like most of the other Ignihyde students, his outfit consisted of a white button-down shirt. On top of that was a blue undercoat with gold buttons that Y/n never seemed to button up properly. And finally, there was the outer black jacket, with gold embellishments and various pockets. There were also multiple other components to the suit; a black and white striped tie (one that always hung loosely around Y/n's neck), a blue and gold armband that was wrapped around the wearer's left arm, and a pair of black pants with a belt that kept them up. To add his own touch, Y/n would always wear a chain choker around his neck.

Checking the time on his phone, Y/n grabbed his book bag, tucked his magic pen into his breast pocket, and strode out of his room. 'It's gonna be a long day...'



Y/n POV:

'Ughh... I should've woken up earlier. Now it's gonna be impossible getting a good spot in class,' I mentally groaned as I stepped out of the Hall of Mirrors and headed towards the campus's main building. Arriving to class a few minutes before it even started guaranteed a spot near friends or, in my case, an isolated spot at the back of the classroom. And because I woke up a few minutes late and took my sweet time getting ready, there was no chance of finding the perfect spot.

'I'll just blame Idia... Yeah, he'll be my scapegoat,' I humorously thought, finding myself hurriedly strolling down Main Street. I was so focused on getting to History class that I didn't notice a familiar black-haired boy and grey cat-like monster cleaning around the Great Seven's statues.

Within a couple of short minutes, I found myself close to the school before I heard loud shouting. Looking over my shoulder, I saw blue fire flying across Main Street, aiming for an orange-haired student. My heart flinched for a moment before I rolled my eyes and turned to head into the school. 'Not my problem... Though judging by the appearance of that ginger, it might be Riddle's.' A couple of students glanced at me as I chuckled at my own thought, but I didn't mind as I walked directly to my class.


In the end, I took a seat in one of the first rows of desks closest to the chalkboard. Logically, it was probably one of the best spots since it was easy to see the board, but it also meant sitting closer to Professor Trien and being carefully watched by both his eyes and the eyes of his familiar Lucius.

'I'll just make sure to not fall asleep,' I thought as I felt people take a seat on either side of me. Curious, I glanced to see if I recognized either person. An indescribable feeling grew in me at the sight of Kalim sitting on my left side and Jade Leech, the vice warden of the Octavinelle house, sitting on my right. 'An odd combination of characters, that's for sure.' I did slightly wonder where Jade's twin brother Floyd was, but they were likely in separate classes.

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