~Always Make A Grand Entrance~

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3rd Person POV:

In the middle of the prestigious and esteemed Night Raven College, a student quietly sat on an iron bench in the courtyard. He didn't seem to mind that he was the only one there nor did he care. Simply, he just sat and stared up at the clouds, slightly hoping he could find shapes in them. In mere minutes, a large grey cloud had overtaken the sky. Did they appear grey because it was almost nighttime or because it was about to rain? 

'I hope it rains,' thought Y/n, slightly adjusting the ceremonial robe he wore. Even though it could be considered a beautiful piece of clothing, with its black and purple fabric and gold embroidery, he didn't like it. No matter how many times he got it tailored to his size, it would never fit. At first, the sleeves were too long and the waist was too tight. Then the robe was too long and the shoulder fabric would not allow for any movement. And now, the robes were too short and the material around his chest was far too loose. Y/n had given up on the idea of it perfectly fitting. 

In the end, it would never even matter. No one would ever see him with it on.

He wouldn't be caught dead at the orientation for the new students. Too many bodies in a single area, too many eyes that watch and calculate your every movement. Even during his own orientation the year previously, Y/n couldn't wait for it to be over. Though, he won't deny it was entertaining looking at each student and mentally guessing which dorm they would be placed in. It was a fun little game he had with himself. It was easy guessing who would be placed in Savanaclaw and Pomefiore, but the others were more difficult. Nonetheless, Y/n only had a faint idea of where he would be placed. It was between Ignihyde and Diasomnia and possibly Pomefiore, but Y/n knew he didn't have the elegance or aura that all Pomefiore students seemed to radiate.

'And surprise, surprise! The quiet one got placed into introvert central!'  Perhaps it was the correct dorm assignment for him; Y/n hung out in his room for long periods at a time, would avoid large groups of people and generally was shy. But at the same time, that wasn't always who he was. With the few close people he called his friends, he could be the loudest among them. If he had shit to say, he didn't care if he was in public or not, he would curse someone out. There was also the fact that he was the only one in his dorm that could tolerate eating in the cafeteria. Y/n didn't like it and would mostly sit away from people during lunch, but he could handle it. 

As much as he cared for his dorm head, it was hard being in Ignihyde. People would just stick to the little social circles they created and not interact with anyone else. It was uncomfortable coming and going in the dorm because people would simply follow your every movement. If Y/n really wanted, he could be in a leading position in the dorm and change the way things are run. But he himself was lazy and didn't like dealing with lots of tasks. Making sure most students would pass? Hard. Checking up on students so they don't do anything stupid like make a deal with an octopus? Even harder. It was tiring both being around his own dorm and other dorm members.

Y/n shifted his thoughts about his dorm and social life back to the clouds above him. 'In the end, it doesn't really matter... There are worse things happening in this world...' With that thought, his eyes went back to searching the sky. He tilted his head slightly, hoping that it would help him find some kind of shape.'Oh, that one kinda looks like a cat breathing fire!' Y/n slightly hummed at his own observation before peacefully closing his eyes. He carefully tuned in to the environment around him, soaking in the moment. It was rare for no one to be in the courtyard during the day and Y/n couldn't help but enjoy the quietness. 

All of a sudden, the tranquillity was broken by the sounds of fast-moving, heavy footsteps in the distance. Opening his eyes, Y/n looked in the direction of the sound, slightly glaring at the person or thing that had ruined his moment of silence. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of a student in the same ceremonial robes as him running through the courtyard. The student luckily didn't spot Y/n, but their actions raised questions in his mind. 'Are they running from the ceremony? Or perhaps they are having their anime protagonist moment?' Y/n chuckled to himself, his eyes still following the stranger's movements. Looking closer, there looked to be a smaller grey blob chasing after the student, quickly catching up to them. 'Ahh, so something is chasing them... My guesses were close.' Before Y/n could say or yell anything, the two strangers headed into the library and were out of his view. Suddenly, Y/n's attention was drawn to Headmaster Crowley who had come from the same place the stranger had been and followed their exact path into the library.


Y/n's POV:

"Even Crowley is involved? Damn, that student is making one hell of an entrance..." I muttered to myself, slightly relieved I hadn't been spotted by either party. "Though... I am curious to see how this little drama ends." A smirk made its way to my lips and I couldn't help but stare at the door all three figures had disappeared into. A minute or two passed before the student and Crowley reemerge from the library with the same grey blob from before in tow. Looking closer, I saw a black cord wrapped around the grey figure and thrashing about to get out of the cord's tight grip.

'Someone got trapped in his lash of love,' I thought, making myself loudly snicker. Big mistake on my part. My eyes widened at the sight of both the stranger and Crowley's eyes staring at me. 'Uh oh...' I quickly stood up to run away but it was futile. Within milliseconds, Crowley's whip had wrapped itself around my wrist, holding me in place. 'Fuuuuuck... that's gonna leave a mark,' I groaned in pain as the skin on my arm near where the whip held me turned slightly pink. With no other choice, I used my free hand to place my robe's hood on my head and walked towards my capturer.

"Mr. Y/n. Why are you out here instead of in the ceremony or preparing your dormitory for the arrival of new students?" Mr. Crowley questioned me once I got close enough to him. Not interested in having a pointless conversation with the headmaster, I looked towards the student that stood by his side. Now that I was closer, I could tell he was a dude and was slightly shorter than me. Even though his hood covered most of his face, I could tell he wore a look of confusion and fear. Looking down at the other cord the headmaster held, I saw a small gray cat with blue fire-like fun in its ears. Even its tail looked odd, with the end of it forming into a three-pronged pitchfork. Around its neck was a black and white striped bow, acting somewhat like a collar for the creature.

 "Don't you have a ceremony to go to? Or is that finished yet?" I asked Crowley, very clearly dodging the old man's question. However, he doesn't notice this and turns to the stranger.

"Ah, we have no time to lose! We must get you to the Dark Mirror and have it place you in a dormitory!" Crowley cried out to the stranger, who began to look even more worried. As he started walking towards the mirror room, his whip pulled me along, dragging me along with them. "And Mr. Y/n, you will be joining us for the last part of orientation and help guide your new dormmates to their new living area," he instructed me, making me let out a loud sigh. The headmage proceeded to ignore me and inform the new student about Night Raven College.

'So much for skipping...' 


Any thoughts? See you in the next chapter!


(1394 Words)

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