Book 1 Ch 13: Reunited

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"Where are we going?"  Alisa asked, sitting on Y/N's shoulders as they walked through the sewers.

"We're heading to a safe place to get something to eat, and to make a plan on how to stop Amon."  Y/N said to her.

"Oh, ok."  She said.

Y/N looked to her, and decided to have a friendly conversation to pass the time.

"So, tell me.  How did your dad know so much about me?"  Y/N asked.

"Well, he was there when you were turned into a mutant.  He was one of the head scientists."  She told him.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"  Y/N asked in a surprised voice.

"I said he was one of the head scientists who made the mutants.  That's how he met my mom.  After you were first turned into a mutant, they began privately inviting people to see if they wanted to join the experiment, seeing that it was a success.  Those who didn't want to be mutants, would have their memory altered by former Dai Li Members, that way they couldn't tell anyone.  My mom was one of the people who wanted to be a mutant.  She showed a love and interest in what they were doing, and he fell in love with her.  One thing led to another, and they got married.  They day you escaped was the day after I was born."  She explained, surprising him even more.

"I-I see.  This is shocking.  Let's hope I don't come across him, otherwise I probably won't be able to stop myself from doing something regrettable."  Y/N said.

"He was killed a few months ago.  We don't know who did it, but he was murdered."  She said, causing Y/N to feel guilt over what he said.

"I am so sorry Alisa.  If I had known . . ."  Y/N said, trying to apologize.

"It's ok.  He never really spent time with me anyway.  He and mom usually stayed in the lab.  I only know those things from the times he did talk with me."  Alisa said.

"I see.  Well, don't worry.  I'll protect you, and I'll be right here whenever you want to talk."  He said, making her smile.

"Thanks Y/N."  She said, as they approached the Sewer City.

"That's no problem.  Here we are."  Y/N said with a smile, seeing the people hiding in the city.

"Y/N!"  A man with grey hair hair called out to him.

"It's great to see you again Gommu.  This place looks real different from when I was here last."  Y/N said, looking around.

"It's great to see you too friend.  How is everything on your end?"  Gommu asked, walking next to Y/N, heading to his office.

"Up until a couple of months ago, it was all good.  I lost a lot in the last couple of months.  Things that cannot be replaced."  Y/N said in a sad voice, confusing Alisa.

"Ah, yes.  I heard.  It broke my heart when I learned of what happened that night.  I'm terribly sorry for what happened to Genji and Zeelin."  Gommu said, in very upset voice.

They were very good friends.  Y/N, Genji and Mushi would come and visit almost everyday when they first came to Republic City.  Gommu labeled them down as the first Citizens of his little city.  Y/N looked very upset now, looking almost on the verge of tears.

"W-Wait now, don't cry just yet.  If you're gonna cry, it has to be because of happiness.  Come with me."  Gommu said, bringing Y/N to another part of the city.

After walking for a few minutes, they stopped.  When Y/N asked why they stopped, Alisa looked at a group with star's in her eyes, as she saw someone she thought she would never get to see.

A Mutant In A Bender's World (LegendOfKorraXMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now