Book 2 Ch 1: Back to the Ice Box

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"Alright boys, let's get these Chimpanda's locked up and sent out.  The sooner we get these sons of guns outa this forest, the better."  A Man with white hair said.

"Y-Yes sir."  A hunter said, as he and the rest rounded up the Chimpanda's.

As they rounded up the Chimpanda's, they were unaware that they were being watched from the tree's.  A few moments later, all the lanterns and lights went out, and a cold air quickly followed.  The hunters were all on guard, afraid of what would happen to them.

"Show yourself coward!"  The White haired man shouted.

"Hello."  A young voice said from behind him.

When the man turned around, he was met with a young girl with Brown hair and Gold colored eyes.  He smiled, and kneeled down to her level.

"Well howdy there youngin.  Allow me to apologize, I though you were the one causing this ruckus."  The man said with a chuckle.

"Are you Lester Leroy?"  She quickly asked.

"Yes in deed ma'am.  I'm surprised someone of your age would know about me."  He said, standing up.

"He told me about you."  She said, pointing behind Lester.

When he turned around, he was met with all of his men laying on the ground, unconscious.  Obviously, he began to panic.  He quickly turned back to the girl, who had a strange smile on her face.  He went to hit her to knock he out, but was stopped mid slap by a man in a white suit, Y/N.

"Sup."  Y/N said, punching the man in the face, knocking him to the ground.

The two then unlocked the cages that the Chimpanda's were locked in, and set them free.

"What do we do with these guys?"  The girl asked.

"I'll tell you what we do Alisa.  We tie em up and leave them in the forest.  Let them earn their lives."  Y/N said, walking over to the truck.

"You know it would have been a perfect example to begin your Bloodbending training."  Zaydag said in a huffed voice.

"First off, that Bloodbending is gonna be for taking bending away from people who don't deserve it.  Secondly, I'm only gonna start practicing the Bloodbending I've learned when I find that place where I was turned into this."  Y/N said, hearing coughing coming from Lester.

"What's up with you, I only punched you in the nose."  Y/N said, walking over to the man.

"Wanna know somethin funny pal?  It only takes between 8 to 13 pounds of pressure from a bare punch to break a human nose."  Lester said, standing up.

"You have metal bones and enhanced strength."  Lester said, getting his bearings.

"What's so funny about that?"  Y/N asked, confused at where Lester was going with this.

"I'll tell you what's funny."  Lester said, dusting his jacket off.

"Does my nose look broken to you?"  Lester asked in a sinister tone.

Y/N looked at his nose, and sure enough, saw that it wasn't broken.  This obviously surprised Y/N, as ever since his fight with Amon, he made sure to get stronger.

'I can throw a good 100 pounder punch on a bad day.  What's up with this guy?'  Y/N asked himself.

Lester then started growing a bit bigger, and his skin turned completely white.  His muscles then grew about 6 times that of a normal body builder, again surprising Y/N.

"You didn't think you were the only one with special abilities, did ya?"  Lester asked with a much deeper voice.

"Before you do whatever it is you're doing, just think it through.  Are you sure you're wanting to go up against the one and only Wolverine?"  Y/N asked, surprising Lester.

A Mutant In A Bender's World (LegendOfKorraXMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now