Book 1 Ch 7: I've Been Wanting To Do That Since I Met You

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"Why were you out so late?  Were you with that Firebending guy again?  Are you dating him?  How long have you been dating him?  Are you getting married?"  Ikki asked Korra as she jumped up and down.

"Yes I was with Mako, and no we're not dating.  Bolin had gotten in trouble, so we went to help him."  Korra explained.

"What was he in trouble with?"  Ikki asked.

"That is for Tenzin to know, and for you to keep your nose out of."  Korra said as she walked outside to do some training.

"Hey Y/N!  Where were YOU last night?  Were you with Genji?  Are you still dating?  Are you getting married?  What are those things on your arms?"  Ikki asked, being actually interested in what was on his arms.

"I've been meaning to ask you the same thing Y/N.  About the things on your arms, I mean.  What are they supposed to be?"  Pema asked as she cleaned the dishes.

"O-Oh, they're . . . experimental training gauntlets.  They make my arms weigh more heavy so that when I'm practicing my stances, I'll be much quicker with them off."  Y/N explained.

"They look pretty tight around your arms."  Jinora noticed.

"Yeah, that's because there was a little malfunction, and it bolted itself into my arms.  They are now permanently a part of my body."  Y/N said, as he sweat dropped.

"WHAT!?  Why didn't you say anything?!  We need to get you to a hospital!"  Pema panicked.

"No no, I'm fine.  It doesn't hurt, and the bleeding stopped a while ago.  This is just what happens when I experiment on myself.  Mess with the bull, you get the horns.  Kids, promise me you'll never experiment on yourselves like I did."  Y/N said to the three.

"No promises!"  Meelo shouted as he ran off to play.

"Well then, I must be off.  I've got to go visit Genji before opening hours.  Her and her father will need help."  Y/N said standing up.

"Alright then, but if you feel that your arms begin to hurt, go get it checked out."  Pema said.

"You got it.  See ya later kids!"  Y/N said, leaving the temple.

And so, for the next few hours, Y/N helped Genji out around the Café, cleaning up, and serving the drinks.  All was going great, until he saw someone get hit by a motorbike.  Someone who looked very familiar.  Y/N ran out to see if he was ok, but saw that Asami Sato, daughter of the rich idiot, was the one to hit him.  He knew that Mako couldn't resist but fall for her, and he was correct.  After they had a slightly awkward conversation, Asami offered Mako to go out for dinner, to which he accepted.  As she drove off, Mako stood there with a big smile going across his face as he was love struck.  The thing was, he was still standing in the middle of the road.

"Yo!  Get off the road!  Your gonna get hit again!"  Y/N called out, knocking Mako out of his thoughts.

It wasn't much the call that brought him back, but it was the voice.  The familiar voice.  When he looked over to see who it was, he saw it was a guy who looked to be around 16-18, with H/C colored hair, E/C colored eyes, and medium length hair tied in a ponytail.  His face didn't look familiar, but the hair and the voice did.  His hair was tied up, but back at the event, his hair was down, but the texture was what looked familiar.  It looked sort of fluffy but rough at the same time.

  It looked sort of fluffy but rough at the same time

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