Book 1 Ch 2: The Wolverine

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"Y/N?  Where have I heard that name before?  Ah yes, your that Firebending prodigy.  You and your brother have quite the reputation."  Tenzin said.

"Brother?  Firebending Prodigy?"  Y/N asked.

"You are Y/N L/N, aren't you?"  Tenzin asked.

"Well, that's what the tag says."  Y/N said as he stood up.

Y/N began to walk towards the door of the hut, leaving the rest of them confused as to what was happening.

"Tenzin, what is happening?"  The Chief asked.

"I do not know.  Mother?"  Tenzin asked Katara.

"Hmm, it may be that he lost his memory.  If he's going off what's written on that tag, that may be all he has."  Katara said.

"As much as I hate to say this, but maybe Bumi could help us.  That tag shows that he isn't just an average memory loss victim, and Bumi has travelled around the world.  He's probably seen something like this."  Tenzin said in a hesitant tone as he walked over to the nearest phone.

"Good idea.  Get Kia here as well, we could use all the help we can find, and with her's and Katara's healing abilities, we may be able to piece some of his past together."  The Chief said.

Tenzin called both Bumi and Kya and asked them to get to the Southern Water tribe as soon as possible.  They wouldn't be able to get there till late at night, so Y/N would need to stay the night.  Chief Tonraq prepared a room for Y/N to sleep in, but Y/N had other plans.

"Y/N, we have a room prepared for you to sleep in tonight."  Tonraq said as he approached Y/N who was sitting in the snow.

"I'm . . . I'm gonna stay out here tonight."  Y/N said.

"I don't think that's a good idea.  It get's very cold out here at night."  Tonraq said.

"I'll be ok.  For some reason, the cold doesn't seem to bother me."  Y/N said.

"I see.  Well, would you like to come inside and get something to eat?"  Tonraq offered.

"Hm, ok.  Thank you."  Y/N said as he sat up and followed Tonraq.

As they walked back to the tent, Y/N looked out into the distance and saw a few Waterbender's setting up what looked to be a camp.

"What are they doing?"  Y/N asked as he pointed to them.

"Hmm, they seem to be out hunting.  Night is good time to get land animals.  They can be either sold to make money to get food and other essentials, or used for food and clothes."  Tonraq explained.

"I see.  Do the animals get hurt?"  Y/N asked.

"Well, we have a rule, that you must kill an animal instantly.  No poisons, no bending, and only using ranged weapons on smaller animals.  We love the animals here, but we still need to feed.  So, don't worry.  They feel no pain."  Tonraq assured.

"Oh, that's good."  Y/N said as he smiled slightly.

That night, Y/N had what felt like his first ever meal.  He couldn't remember anything from the past 10 years, so everything is new to him.  He still has the instincts of survival, which is hunting, hiding, and fighting, but everything else is like a fog to him.  As they were eating, Tonraq started up a small conversation for everyone to get to know Y/N more, which may prove not easy.

"So, me and Y/N had a small conversation today.  He has a real love for animals, and doesn't like them being put in pain."  Tonraq said with a smile.

"Really?  That's lovely, Y/N.  What started up your love of animals?"  Senna asked.

"I'm . . . not so sure.  It's just a deep feeling, you know?  I don't remember why, but I know that it's supposed to be important to me."  Y/N explained.

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