Book 1 Ch 3: The Avatar in Republic City

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Yep, Y/N's life was a bit of alright.  He had his own slice of heaven with what he does.  In the day, he trains in his Airbending Stances, helps around the city, helps Beifong arrest a few small time criminals, and lie down in the forest for a while.  And at night, Y/N looks for hunters, animal abusers and anyone who can help him find out about his past.  He only does the Bending Fights as a pass time.  Of course, no one really knows about this, and no matter what, everyone who takes part in the fights stick to the code.  What happens in the ring, stays in the ring.  So, no one finds out who goes down there.  Anyway, one day, Y/N was out in the forest, minding his own business, when he suddenly heard the sound of a Flying Bison.  He looked up to the where the sound was and smiled, as the man who kept him safe from the world was over head.

"Y/N."  Tenzin said with a wave as the bison landed.

"Hey Tenzin!  Hey guys!"  Y/N said with a wave.

"Hello Y/N."  Pema said with a smile.

"Hey Y/N!"  The children shouted with a wave.

"Y/N, we're off to the southern Water Tribe.  I know you recently came back, but would you like to accompany us?"  Tenzin offered.

"Sure, I do flying."  Y/N said with a smile as he got on the Bison.

"Oogi, Yip Yip."  Tenzin said as he pulled on the reins.

The Bison then began to fly up into the air, and like that, they were on their way.  A few hours past, and the southern Water Tribe had come into view.  The kids were very excited to be back, and Y/N was happy that he was able to return this soon.  He usually visited every month, so he didn't mind visiting again.  It'll also be fun to see his best friend Korra again, especially now that they would be hanging out even more now that she will be starting her Airbending training.  The Bison came close to the ground, and then landed.

"As I've been telling you for the past 15 minutes, we are FINALLY here."  Tenzin said as Meelo was chewing on his head.

The two girls used their Airbending to make Air Scooters, and raced down the tail of the Bison.  Tenzin got down from the Bison with Meelo still on his head, and walked over to his mother, Katara.

"Hello Mother.  I can't tell you how happy I am to see you."  Tenzin said in an exhausted voice.

"Please.  Help me."  Tenzin said, as Katara laughed and picked Meelo off his shoulders.

"Unhand me strange woman!"  Meelo shouted.

"That's your grandmother Meelo."  Tenzin said.

Meelo stopped moving around, and flipped over Katara's head and landed on the ground, and ran to the other two girls.

"It's so good to see al of you."  Katara said to the family.

"Gran Gran, I've been reading all about your old adventures.  I've been dying to ask you, what happened to Zuko's mom?"  Jinora asked her grandmother.

"Well Jinora, it's an incredible tale."  Katara said, before being interrupted by the more energetic child.

"Gran Gran, you look old.  How old are you?  And why is it so cold in the south pole?  Can we make a camp fire and all huddle around it and tell scary stories and make snowmen?"  Ikki said as she hopped around.

"And then could you make the Snowmen move with Waterbending and chase us?  Wouldn't that be fun?  Huh?  Wouldn't it?"  She continued hopping as she went on about what fun she wanted to have.

As she was yapping away, Pema was trying to get of the Bison while trying to make sure their unborn baby is alright.  Tenzin went over to her to help her down off the Bison.

A Mutant In A Bender's World (LegendOfKorraXMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now