Book 2 Ch 3: Family Reunion

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"Ouch."  Y/N said as he woke up, having just fully healed.

"Y/N!"  Alisa shouted, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey Alisa, are you alright?"  He asked her, to which she nodded.

"Yep, your Grunkle taught me how to play Pai Sho."  She smiled, to which Y/N smiled.

"How many times did you beat him?"  He asked with a smile.

"Three times now."  She smiled.

"I don't know how she does it."  Zuko said in a genuinely confused voice.

"How are you doing nephew?"  Zuko asked.

"I'm alright.  My healings back, but I'm still confused as to how my healing stopped in the first place."  Y/N said, trying to figure it out.

"You may not remember, but before you fell asleep, Alisa theorized that it could be something to do with the blade that the woman attacked you with.  After some thorough research, I found absolutely nothing on it.  Mutations aren't exactly a thing you'll find in a common house book."  Zuko said, much to Y/N disappointment.

"Perhaps I can help."  Someone around Y/N's age said as he walked in.

"Sabretooth."  Y/N said, standing up in a defensive stance.

"Oracle.  Y/N L/N.  It's great to see you again."  S.T said, as the two younger looking people walked behind them.

"And who are these?  Young Team X members?"  Y/N questioned.

"Nope, these are my younger siblings  Or more accurately, OUR younger siblings."  S.T said, surprising Y/N, Zuko and Alisa.

"I'm sorry what?"  Y/N asked.

"I've heard that you don't go by Oracle anymore, well the same goes for me with Sabretooth.  I prefer the name Victor Creed L/N.  This is Eri L/N, and this is Fo Cheng L/N.  They're from the old village of Solaris."  Victor introduced, further surprising the others.

"You're my long lost brother?"  Y/N asked, getting a nod from Victor.

"And these are my younger siblings?  The ones presumed dead?"  Y/N asked, getting more and more emotional.

"Y-Yeah, don't go crying on us now, alright?  We still have a lot of catching up and explanations to catch you up on."  Victor smiled, to which Y/N wiped away the tears that were starting up.

"Alright, let's catch up."  Y/N said, as they all sat down, and started catching up.

Victor went on to explain all the more important details of the things that Y/N didn't remember.  Victor gave him answers he thought he would never get.

"You were the first mutant ever created for the Weapon X Program.  The mutations come from a very rare chemical that is found in liquid meteorite called Malvacorvis.  The stuff was originally meant to enhance the physical abilities and the bending of a person, but it had a side effect of giving a person unique powers.  That's how you got your claws and healing abilities.  It's also why your firebending is so powerful.  You were a prodigy, and we were all so happy to see that you were going to go places.  When all was said and done, they completely erased your memory."  Victor explained to Y/N.

"How did I get out?"  Y/N asked, to which Victor quickly put on a dangerous tone.

"You were saved by a man named En Sabah Nur."  Victor said, scaring the two younger siblings.

"En Sabah Nur?  Who's that?"  Y/N asked, getting a stare from Victor.

"The REAL first Mutant."  Victor said, shocking Y/N.

A Mutant In A Bender's World (LegendOfKorraXMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now