Book 1 Ch 9: The Ice Box and a New Mutant

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'Where am I?'  Y/N asked himself as he looked around the dark room.

"You are currently in the Ice Box."  Said a voice from the corner of the room.

"Who said that?"  Y/N asked as he looked around.

"I did."  Said a young man with black hair and red eyes, as he walked out of the shadows.

"H-How did you do that?"  Y/N asked.

"Do what?"  The man asked.

"You literally read my mind."  Y/N said.

"Oh, that.  I can read people's minds.  It's my mutation."  He said.

"A mind reader?"  Y/N asked.

"Well, my father was able to do a lot more, I just havn't been able to train all that well."  The man said.

"I see.  Well, what can you tell me about this 'Ice Box'?"  Y/N asked.

"It's a prison in the mountains of a unknown area in the Northern Water Tribe.  Every week, the boss comes a long to alter the minds of us mutants, but from what I recently heard, you caused rather a great spike of excitement, so he's coming today."  The man said.

"What makes him so interested in me?"  Y/N asked.

"I'm not sure.  What's your mutation?"  The man asked.

"I have unbreakable retractable claws, enhanced strength, agility, durability, and an almost unlimited amount of stamina."  Y/N said.

"W-What did you say your name was?"  The man asked.

"Y/N L/N."  Y/N said.

"Dude, it's no wonder why he's so interested in you!  Your a celebrity!"  The man shouted.

"What?"  Y/N asked.

"The first ever mutant!  It is said that you can take the mutations of those that you kill, and that you are the unkillable!  So many mutant's have been sent out to search for you, but they could never find you!"  The man shouted.

"Seriously?"  Y/N asked.

"Yes!"  The man shouted.

"Well that's surprising."  Y/N said.

"Did you kill any mutants before getting here?"  The man asked.

"Some big guy who went by the name if Frederick, or something like that."  Y/N said.

"Wow, you duked it out with Duke.  Have you felt any different after that?"  The man asked.

"Well, shortly after I was knocked out by some big metal dude, so I didn't really get the chance to feel anything."  Y/N said.

"Yeah, Colossus packs a big punch.  Did you feel anything when you were getting punched by him?"  The man asked.

"Not really.  I think it was a pressure point he hit that knocked me out."  Y/N said.

"And that proves it!"  The man shouted.

"Proves what?"  Y/N asked.

Before he could be answered, a loud banging was heard on cell door (I just burped and a hair came out. Thought I'd let you know.), and a man in a black robe walked in, and told them to go meet with the others in the canteen.

"I'll explain later."  The man said.

"I never did get your name."  Y/N said.

"Graysen.  Graysen Xavier.  Nice to meet you."  He said, extending his hand, which Y/N shook.

A Mutant In A Bender's World (LegendOfKorraXMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now