Book 2 Ch 2: Laura Kinney

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"Sir!  Sir!"  A man called as he ran into a meeting room.

"What is it?"  Stryker asked.

"I-It's him!  Y/N L/N!"  The man said, shocking those in the room.

"Alright, send in Colossus.  He could buy us some."  Stryker informed.

"Hold up a sec Boss.  Let me deal with him.  We both know that I'm the only one who can match his power."  A young woman said, standing up from where she was seated.

"I'm not sure Laura.  Ever since Victor and Wade told you about him, you've seemed distracted.  Will you be able to take him out?  Or at the very least give us time to get out?"  Stryker asked.

"Have I ever failed you before?"  She asked, to which Stryker shook his head.

"Very well.  You do have a perfect streak of success.  Make sure you keep it."  He said, giving her the all clear to fight him.

'I'll show you why I'm better than you in every way Y/N.'  Laura thought, leaving the room, before taking a Black Sword from the sword stand.

'And this will take care of the healing factor.'  She thought with a smile.

"Y/N, do you hear that?"  Alisa asked, getting a strange look from Y/N, who had just stabbed the last person who attacked him.

"Hear what?"  He said, before picking up on what she was talking about.

"Yeah, I hear it now."  He said in a quiet tone, preparing for anything.

"Y/N."  Laura said, entering the hallway where the two were standing.

"And you are?"  Y/N asked, getting a slightly annoyed look from Laura.

"Hmm, they told me your memory was gone, but I didn't think you would forget me.  The names Laura.  Laura Beifong Kinney."  She introduced, surprising Y/N, who recognized the name.

"Your a Beifong?"  He asked, getting a nod from her.

"I like to think of myself as a former Beifong, but the name gives me some popularity and other perks, so it has it's uses.  I'll cut to the chase.  I'm going to kill you."  She said, quickly using a more threatening tone.

"Yeah, I havn't heard that before."  Y/N said, taking out his claws, preparing for a fight.

Laura then did something that Y/N and Alisa weren't expecting her to do.  She too began to grow claws from her hands, two on each hand.

"Well, I was not expecting that.  I guess we have a lot more in common than I had thought."  Y/N said, jumping in to fight.

And so, the two began fighting.  Despite Y/N's arsenal of mutations, she was still some how an equal combatant, able to block and retaliate to each of his attacks.  It didn't help that for some reason, the armor that he was wearing shrunk away back into his chain, but he would ask about that later on.  He went to slash at her face, but quickly changed the course of his hand, and stabbed her in her right hand, preventing her from using that hand.  While she was distracted, he quickly stabbed her in her left arm, stopping her from using that hand as well.  He was about to send out a finishing move, but was stopped when Laura's arms began to heat up to great heights.  He thought that this was some sort of self defense, but it was instead so that she could separate herself from her arms.  She had softened the Adamantium on her bones to make it possible to break free.

"I'm not exactly sure how you did that, but what I do know, is that you're now completely defenseless."  He said, running towards her to finish her.

Just as he got to her, she quickly jumped over him, and grew claws from her feet, two on each foot, and stabbed him in the back.  Her right arm grew back quickly, and she unsheathed the Black Blade, and slashed at his face.  She then sliced him at the left leg, and stabbed him in chest.  Once she jumped back, she sheathed the blade, and grew back her other arm.

A Mutant In A Bender's World (LegendOfKorraXMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now