𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 13

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They look at each other for a moment.

"It was her idea" Coco blurts out and Angela face palms, sighing to herself.

"You didn't have to out me like that?" She whisper yells.

"You said if anybody asked I could blame it on you" she counters swaying a little.

"Yeah but I didn't think you'd actually do it" she throws her arms up and Coco puts her hands on her hips trying to look intimidating but I don't think she's looking at Angela by the way she's swaying and squinting her eyes, trying to focus but seems completely lost.

God she's a light weight.

I clear my throat and they both look at me, Coco giving me a sheepish look and Angela rolling her eyes muttering 'attention seeker' as if I can't hear her or maybe she doesn't care. Probably doesn't care.

"Coco I'm taking you to bed, Angela go to bed. You guys can finish this tomorrow when you're not about to pass out on the bags" I take Coco's hand and help her walk up the flight of stairs and into her room. She stumbles and sometimes stops and starts giggling out of nowhere, she won't let me carry her up to her room muttering something about being independentand a feminist as if it had anything to do either her about to tumble down the stairs like a sack. Stubborn woman

When we finally make it to her bed, which took longer than expected and was harder than expected, I take her shoes off as she lies diagonally on it and rolls a little laughingto herself like this is the funniest moment of her life when I'm pretty sure she doesn'tknow where on this earth she is.

After a while she says, "I could have came up here by myself you know?," she tries to get up but failed miserably and just opted to lying down and clutching her head mumbling how the world is spinning.

"I'm sure you could've" I say sarcastically.

"Come here" she whines and I sit beside her as she's waving her arms in the air counting sheep's and giggling when she forgets where she last was and starts again.

"Do you know what I wished I had?" She says.

"What?" She doesn't notice me staring at her as she smiles to herself. She has a beautiful smile and very perfected rows of white teeth.

"Bigger boobs", I turn to look at her to see her already looking at me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because Jake said my boobs where to small" she sighs heavily like she can remember the exact moment whoever this Jake guy told her her breasts were too small. I don't know if that guy needed glasses or something because let me tell you right now, she is perfect the way she is. She doesn't need to change.

"Who's Jake?" I ask laying beside her.

"My ex" Well we thank whoever is up there that he is. She doesn't deserve someone to treat her like that, she doesn't deserve someone who says these kinds of things to her and makes it clearly felt her in ways that have obviously left deep scars like this. She deserves someone who is kind and caring. Someone who will make her feel like a queen. Someone like...

Like who? Like you?

I push the thought somewhere deep in my head because I know I'm not the kind of guy she wants or deserves. I haven't been in a relationship in years and not to mention that she and I are opposites in every single way.

Yet it doesn't stop me from caring about her, I don't know exactly when that happened but I know that I do and I know that I'd do just about anything to make sure she's safe and happy, even if that means she drains me of all my money. I'd rather her do that, than to see her sad or upset.

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