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I've been here every night for to weeks straight

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I've been here every night for to weeks straight.

The first week was boring. No one new or interesting that caught my eye. Most of the girls are the same, they look similar and have similar dance moves and choreography. Not to mention all their clothes are the same and made from the same cheap, tacky and plastic company.

The second week though was intriguing, not only for me but the other men there too.

A new girl started. She is beautiful, young and divine, she's not like the other girls here. Everything she does is different, here clothes, shoes and choreography are all different and unlike most girls here she is a brunette a natural brunette with long wavy hair that almost touches her butt.

Her skin is flawless, her smile the brightest. This girl is so intriguing because she doesn't let anyone touch her like most of the other girls here that men want in their private rooms. She's closed off in a glass box with the pole.

Instead of plastic outfits that look like they belong to a ten year old this girl wears lingerie-expensive lingerie with thigh high boots or heels. Her nails are never done and she doesn't put on makeup either, she's not fake or easily gained like the other girls. Every man here wants her because she hasn't been touched by any of them yet, she hasn't been contaminated with their lying, cheating hands that have probably pleased the same woman they are married to.

She's mysterious and fun. She hardly ever dances on the pole and is mostly working at the bar but when she does dance, she is truly captivating and beautiful with elegance and grace I have never seen before. Men bag for hours for a night with her but she always refuses and when she finishes her shift she leaves the place so quickly like her ass is on fire.

I followed her the third night of the second week-Wednesday. She has a car about ten minutes walk away from the club itself which I'm guessing is for safety procedures, her clothes are changed. Black hoodie and legging with a background, I believe the backpack has all her clothes for when she dances and her uniform for when she's at the bar.

The thing about this woman is that she's so quiet, even during her bar hours she doesn't talk to her colleagues much unless she definitely has to. She just does her job and then leaves quietly. She is the most composed person I have ever observed, ever encountered, shy but confident at the same time, elegant yet modern, sweet and assertive. She looks pit together, like she knows who she is and what her purpose, place is. It's admirable, really.

On Friday I try to have a conversation with her at the bar.

"Good evening, what can I get you please?" She asks sweetly, like with everyone else.

"A Martini, please" I tap my platinum card on the black marble counter.

"Ooh, good choice"

I slide the card slowly to her with one finger and she taps on the tablet for a second or two before swiping my card and handing it back to me.

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