𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 11

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Christy and Maggie were fussing over me as I got ready to go to the theatre this evening asking each other what jewels would compliment me and the dress  what would catchthe eyes of spectators.

If I am being completely honest I was not concentrating and had barely heard them when they came into my room declaring they were about to make me look spectacular. It was Noah that I was thinking about—something I seem to be doing a lot these past few days. I didn't understand why but everytime I found myself in a quiet corner my mind would start thinking about him. About how hard his muscles are and how good he looks in a suit, not to mention—no no. Don't go there Coco.

Anyway you could see how annoying this was. I mean I understand that we were in close proximity but most of the time he was at the office and even though something, sometimes I went with him, I usually did my own thing by sketching a few outfits or sceneries as he did his typing away t his computer  yelling at people over the phone and barking orders left and right which was amusing but made me feel horrible for those other people—especiallyhis new assistant. I knew I wasn't the only who felt this strange shift between us from that afternoonin my bathroomwith the spider.

Noah, I have noticed would look at me a second too long or had become physically closer to me. Stealing little touches when I he could and saying it was all in the name of keeping an appearance even indoors but I wasn't complaining, he made me feel things I have never felt before but then again I could be wrong and just imagining he's just holding my gaze to be polite or he doesn't particularly like to lose in a stare down and or could actually be doing this is the name of appearance, you could see my predicament from a mile away.

"Coco are you listening?" Christy asked, her eyebrows furrowing as I shook my head clearing the thoughts away.

"I'm sorry, I'm so distracted today. What did you say?" I ran delicate fingers over the body length red silk dress. It was similar to the one I wore to the charity auction except the back was criss-cross, my hair was I neat bun with a few strands framing my face, "Oh I was just asking if you like the dress?,"

"Do I? I look spectacular as you said, I would be a fool not to love dress" she clapped her hands and came to give me a hug as did Maggie. A knock on the door as I was putting on my red heels had me looking to the door and in walked Ms Bale. She clicked her tongue and walked straight for me grasping my face and pinching my cheeks.

"Ay mi amor mira, look how beautiful you are hm?" I thanked her blushing and down we went to the foyer were Noah was waiting with the similar colour suit, burgundy coat and pants with matching turtle neck, a gold watched and shiny polished shoes.

Heavens this man can pull off a suit.

I was practically putty as my knees wobbled, this was absolutely ridiculous. It's not as if I had never seen a man in a suit, Jake wore suits all the time to work as a realtor but something about how he wore one just made my heart beat practically out of my chest and had my eyes wondering in places they definitely shouldn't be wondering.

This had to a crime somewhere in the world to look this good and be so casual about it too. He held out his hand for me as he studied me head to toe that made me blush yet again.

"You look delightful," he said smiling, he was doing a lot more of that these days.

"Thank you, your not too shabby yourself," he chuckled deeply and led us outside to the awaiting car, opening the door for me and helping me in it. I savoured in the soft feel of the seats and strapped myself in.

We drove away to the theatre in silence as he typed away on hids phone probably answering a few emails and made quick work of some impending calls. I watched the buzzing city past by as people made their way in and out of places and stoping to buy things at carts. The sun had begun to set over the horizon in hues of pink, yellow, orange, red and some purples tinting the once white clouds and the birds chirpped softly as they began to return to their nests as other animals began to wake up from their slumber.

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