𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 9

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I don't think the woman staring in the mirror is me.

My cheeks are pink—just the right shade and my eyes pop out more than they usually do. My lips are glossed, my hair is straightened and falls all the way to my mid back framing my face perfectly. Maggie also had nail equipment and did my nails for me to match the colour of my dress.

The slit of my dress shoes of my heels and pink toes. I don't think I've ever looked this beautiful. This regal. The dress hugs my hips perfectly and I just can't stop admiring myself. If this is how it's going to be, then by the end of the year I will become a professional narcassistic. I spin around once more and look at the back of the dress.

"Thank you" tell them, "I look so...nice" I say and they come in to hug my shoulders.

"You look beautiful not just nice Coco" Christy says.

A knock comes from the door and I turn to face it as Maggie goes to get it. She opens it wide enough for me to see who it is.

Noah stands there in all his glory. Black turtle neck, slacks and black polished shoes, a sliver watch on his wrist and his hair neatly brushed. He casually leans against the doorway staring at me. I feel my cheeks heat up as I grab my purse and walk up to him.

He grabs my hand kisses my fingers with his soft lips, delicately. Butterflies take flight in my belly and I'm happy I have blush on my cheeks to he can't tell how hard I'm actually blushing right now.

"You look wonderful" he tells me and then focuses his attention to the women behind me.

"I'll take it from here ladies, thank you" they nod and quickly gather their stuff before hugging me and heading out.

"Ready?" He asks me and I smile nodding, I lock up my room and slip the card from my purse.

Noah doesn't let go of my hand the whole time we ride the elevator down and into the ball room in the hotel. I can already spot some people heading were we are and they look absolutely glamorous. My nerves kick in and I feel myself lean in closer to him. He squeezes my hand in reassurance and I smile up at him.

A man dressed in a neat tuxedo greets us at the entrance and gives us some kind of card and two betting palettes, we thank him and make our way inside.

The chandelier shines bright above put heads and I spot a couple tea light candles flickering on the white silk tables neatly decorated with flowers, plates, wine glasses and name cards. I hear my heels click on the wooded floors. Heads turn our way and Noah changes our linked fingers so my hand now rests on his arm.

I'm tempted to stick my acrylic nail in my mouth and chew but I fain from doing so not only because there are eyes watching us but because I actually like these nails and I kinda want them to last. Some couple approach us and introduce themselves. Noah introduces me to them and I shake their hands making small talk.

As soon as they leave another couple makes their way over to us and soon I realise most people are coupled up and everyone seems to be infatuated with us, like we are the entertainment tonight and not the auction, or live band or some of the small performers.

We talk and talk for about and hour and a half and I feel my feet already beginning to ache.

I see a waiter in a uniform float around with a tray of champagne and hope to God that he comes our way because parched? Does not begin to describe how I feel right now and I need something to mess with right now.

Luck must be on my side or soemthing because he comes over and I ask for one and he instantly hands me one with a smile and I take it taking a sip and kitting the cool, bubbly drink slide down my throat. We turn our attention to the stage as the host asks us to take our seats for the auction.

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