Unwanted needs | Chase x Sweetie

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It would have been a better night if it wasn't raining. Especially thunderstorm.

The little terrier was in her room, covering her ears because of the lighting. She hated thunderstorms the most, but not as a certain pup. She would've always been by his side, she promised. But he just pushed her away, like everyone.

But not everyone was like him.

Sweetie heard a silent cry. It came from the other side of her giant bed. She immediately turned over and moved herself to the small blanket nest that was there. In there was a small puppy, crying and hugging her toy.

"Aww, don't cry honey, the thunderstorm will go away." Sweetie tried to calm the pup down. Eventually, she picked her up and laid her next to her. The small pup curled up like a cat to a ball, snuggled next to Sweetie, and fell asleep. Sweetie wrapped her paws over her. Then, another thunder hit.

Guess you are the only one getting sleep today.

She looked at the sleeping pup, holding her toy tightly as Sweetie's paws. Despite everything that happened, such as her breakup with Chase, the last fight with the Paw Patrol, and so on, the pup still made her happy. She was her everything, it was part of her. One could say she made it. Even though her father hates Sweetie,

she never gave up on him.

Morning came, and the thunderstorm ended. Sweetie got little to no sleep, but was relieved and happy, that at least her pup slept well. She couldn't care less.

"Good morning Valerie, how'd you sleep?" Sweetie asked, slowly stroking her fur to make herself presentable. Even if no one other than her and the princess was allowed to see her, Sweetie wanted to at least try to make her look good.

"Good morning mommy. I slept well! But the wain outside was making scawy noises." She answered. Sweetie hugged her.

"Yeah, I know. But look, it's over now. And I know you are a brave pup." She nuzzled Valerie's head.

"Just like daddy and his fwiends?" She asked, full of joy.

"Yes, like your daddy and his friends."

She sighed. She never wanted to get in the way of the pup's joy. She loved her so much. She would push the hate towards the Paw Patrol, just to make sure her hate for them wouldn't influence Valerie growing up. She never really told her, why doesn't Chase visit them, just calls them sometimes. To be honest, she didn't really know either. 

They were happy together, had memories together, had pup together, but then, he changed. She still remembers the night when Chase and she had their first, and final argument as a couple. It was for total bullshit. 

"No, I can't let her be here! You can't raise a child you dumbass!" Chase shouted at Sweetie. She was crying in the hall. They would've woken up the small puppy inside, sleeping. Sweetie tried hard to get him out of the room, and she succeeded.

"Do you imagine if she starts thinking like a normal dog, she will just as stupid as you?" Chase shouted at her. She lost her patience but was still scared of the german shepherd in front of her.

"C-Chase...p-please..." "What do you want from me? To just forget about everything? I shouldn't even ask you to be mine. I shouldn't gave you the chance to have a pup with my blood!" He turned away for a while. He moved to the door.

"N-NO!" Sweetie jumped in front of him. He hit her hard.

"Hurt me as much as you want, I don't care! But let her be, please." Sweetie cried and begged him. He went to hit her again.

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