chapter 10: The unsettling

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Two days later baba called me to his room. I guess mama finally told him about kabir. Unknown to me, the most devastating news of my life would be waiting for me. Baba was seated on the chair so I sat down on the rug .I was shy and even if I wasn't ,I had to act that way. I was counting the little boxes in the rug as though I would gain something from it when baba said something that almost left me paralyzed.
"I have sent word to sadeeq's parent to arrange for their son to come and meet me and fix a date for your wedding.He was saying something like he didn't want to marry Khadijah off since she was the younger one and so on... I could barely hear anything. The world froze for a bit, everywhere was blur ,it felt as though I had been hit with a rock. My world was collapsing and I could see the shards of it falling  right before my eyes. "So It would be a double wedding" was the only thing I heard when I came back to my senses.
"Which sadeeq"?I barely manged to say
"baba we are no longer together" I said with tears already forming in my eyes.
"Since sadeeq got kicked out of military school he has been acting terribly.He has hurt me thousand times, he has yelled at me and said words I prefer to forget I told baba".
"I knew you would say that sadeeq was here and he told me of how you have been treating him like trash. I didn't bring you up to belittle people "he said.
"Baba but I have someone else" I said .
"oh! So that is why you are doing all this?sadeeq came to me begging and crying because of how much he loved you who do you think in this world can love you as much as he can?Anyways ,I promised sadeeq he would marry you and i will keep my word"
"Baba I don't want to get married to sadeeq, baba he doesn't love me, he doesn't respect me, baba he is not the sadeeq you used to know, something inside him has changed, baba please ,I am begging you ,take pity on me and don't let me marry him. Please meet kabir one time, just once and if you don't like him I would marry anyone but not sadeeq". My cries fell on deaf ears and I left baba's room devastated .my heart was beating fast, I couldn't live with sadeeq for my whole life. He was a lunatic and so full of pride. Not even once did he see the need to call me and apologize. I just went to mama's room directly .
" mama why didn't you tell baba about kabir? ,why did you allow baba to give me off to someone I didn't love ,why!!!!!!!! I kept crying," why doesn't he believe his own daughter. Mama sadeeq doesn't deserve your habibty and would you give me away to someone who hurts me,? "
I asked with sadness In my eyes. I knew she was hurting, she has never seen me that vulnerable but i couldn't act like I was strong. I am a fragile being and if I would relive another lost then I would become nothing but a living corpse." I can't take it anymore" I said, as I fell into her arms sobbing.
"It was too late when you told me Hayaat and you know your dad ,once he sets his mind on something there is no going back " she replied sadly.
I decided to pray until Allah answered my prayers. "Call upon me and I will respond" he said in the holy quran.
I kept lying to doctor that I would inform my parents soon. I couldn't break his heart. I had to fight for us. I waited for dad to change his mind but it wasn't ever going to happen. I couldn't eat for days but I still had hope. My fate hadn't been sealed yet.
Doctor started to get angry at me thinking I wasn't really interested in marriage if not why on earth wouldn't I inform my parents .I told him about everything and he told me to just keep praying and we would get through this together. He was so supportive and had full fate in me. If it were someone else , they wouldn't believe that at this modern time and age a person can be forced into marriage.

Hayaat finally told me what was going on. I couldn't lose Hayaat, it was rare to find someone that your souls connected, a best friend, a soulmate, and your lover in a single person.
I informed my parents and there told me not to worry that they would personally go and ask for Hayaat's hand in marriage. I was relived but had my fears . Hayaat had told me how stubborn her father was and one can only hope that our love would be greater than his stubbornness.

My visa was out and I refused to travel to Malaysia . I felt as if going without knowing if Hayaat would be mine when I came back was a foolish idea. I had to be here, where I could book a flight and beg on my knees to be given Hayaat. It came to a point where I told baba to say that I would get married to Hayaat and take her to Malaysia with me . We would request for a transfer and she would continue her studies there. Hayaat told me to go and settle down there first and everything would soon be resolved. I didn't want to leave just like that so I made mum promise to do anything possible so I would marry Hayaat. I finally left for malaysia. I thought it would be one of the most beautiful journey of my life but it turned out to be filled with too many emotions that weren't in anyway wasn't just about leaving my country. I was leaving the person that felt like home. The" what ifs 'clung to me and it felt like I was choking every time I tried to breath. I wanted to see Hayaat before leaving but I couldn't due to the circumstances at hand.

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