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Sadeeqs P.O.V

I began to regret why I agreed to teach, it wasn't my aspect but what choice did I have? I said yes already and it was barely a two months lesson and it would be over. I got to the house I knew Muhammad would be in school so I decided to just go in directly. "Assalamualikum" I said "waalaikumsalam ka shigo (come in)" an elderly voice replied. I went Inside and greeted mama . She told me to sit down and sent for cold water for me.Hayaat will be down stairs in a minute she said. I sat there for more than 20 minutes i was getting annoyed, I don't like people who are not punctual I just suppose they lack courtesy, i was short on patience, but i decided to calm my nerves down. I think I fell asleep and the next thing I heard was yawwa she is here. I woke up and saw a very slender person standing in front of me how rude I thought to myself. she stood there just staring at me. I told mama that I would prefer if we do the lessons outside where it is more quiet. She told Hayaat to take the chairs outside . Since we started late I decided it would be better if we just introduced ourselves and know the subjects to be taught. She wasn't even listening to me, figures! a teenager wouldn't even know the magnitude of what she was facing. I wrote WAEC two times before finally passing it. It didn't matter things are easier now people rarely fail WAEC now.. I told her we will be meeting tomorrow and she should please come early because I believe everyone's time is precious . She just kept smiling at me without saying anything. Well, this is going to be interesting I said to myself.


I heard a knock on the door and it was Ishaq. He was smiling devilishly like he had something on his mind but as usual you had to give him something before he spilled it out, what is it I asked? guess what he replied,  I don't have time for your childish games just tell me. He demanded that I would give him my meat for three days and  I agreed. He screamed surprise !and behold I got a samsung phone it was so light and black. I am sure dad asked Ishaq what my favorite color was. I had a thing for darkness, something about it felt welcoming. In the end we will be buried alone in the dark. Why not get used to it. If I could ,all my possessions would be in black. What a sight to behold.!! No one really cared for my strange lifestyle. I have always been drawn  to sad speaks more to me. I think when the aim is to make someone sad and feel pain , you cannot miss that. It touches the innermost part of you and at least in this cold world I allow myself to feel a little warmth when I cry myself to sleep after watching a sad movie. And you might wonder ,why then do I love them? Simple! It is what life is truly about.what is life without a little bit of pain here and there?

My night went well and tomorrow i will get to see my friends face lit up as I tell them about my new phone. Every day of my life was boring but at least I had good news.Oh 'I forgot ,I had a lesson teacher. That's the thing about me I see something, I like it and that is it. it's like a movie, I see the trailer,  I hype it and tell everyone how much the movie seems interesting but I never really care to watch it. All I am trying to say is Sadeeq may seem cute but I care less about anything else apart from that.  I know it might come as a shocker to you but I feel a lot, even if I don't like to admit it . That's why I understood when Jean Racine said " life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel " and I refuse to be disabled by feeble emotions that only make you wilt like a flower when your feelings are not reciprocated.

I may be carefree about school and all that but I really wanted to pass my waec and jamb and get admission into  the University . It had always been my dream to work in a hospital or should I say "my dream after I switched dreams "and I would do anything to achieve it.

The next day went as usual ,nothing spectacular happened. I could say the last spectacular thing that happened in Nigeria was in 1960 when we gained our independence.My lesson teacher seemed different. He was cheerful . He took a break after every 30 minutes and he asked me about myself and what I liked. He said it will ease the tension and I will be more interested in the lessons once I felt comfortable. This was as comfortable as I could ever get with a stranger,a desk between us,strange gazes and tiny forceful smiles. I don't understand why people like to know people. In the end you will see their inner self and would decide to run away from them. I believe no harm has ever come from being distant from people. But what do I know.? I only know the world from the books,songs and movies I have watched. They are literally not my own experience because I have only ever known the world from my window.

My teacher was too curious for my liking ,yesterday he looked as though I gave him the chills and today he wants to write a book about me with all these questions of his. I told him as much as he needed to know nothing beyond that. It was half an hour past five and he said he had to be on his way. He was supposed to leave by six and he is telling me we are done. I was never the silent type so I asked him why, he said he lived a little far away and he wouldn't want to miss the congregation prayer while being on the road. It was a nice attribute and I really admired that.


I heard my alarm ring and I instantly woke up. It was time for fajr prayer, I performed my ablution and went to the mosque . It was so cold and It didn't cross my mind to come with a sweater. I knew I would catch a cold. After praying, I came back home greeted my mum and went back to sleep. I had nothing to do so I enjoyed my sleep. I wasn't going to get enough of that when I went back to camp. Military school was good for my mental health. I learnt how to control my anger and it made me a better person. Life hasn't really been the same since father passed away. Being the elder brother a lot depended on me and going through all that hardship at an early age , I started to get angry at life but Alhamdullilah  I was doing well.

Afternoon came too soon. I ate my lunch and decided to pass by the football field. I didn't have many friends nor did I have any hobbies. I have this little touch of an introvert or I'm just the typical boring type so I was always at home . After watching some random kids play ball for like 30 minutes i made my way to Muhammad's house.

I got there and the chair had already been arranged and Hayaat was waiting for me already. It seemed my anger yesterday didn't make me realize how beautiful she was. She stood up, adjusting her hijab, covering the lower part of her face, we locked eyes momentarily and I felt the touch of her mind, such a blessing she is from above, black is beautiful! I didn't know what but something about her compelled me to be nice. I wanted to know her . She told me she loved sad movies, songs and books.That it spoke more to her, it made me chuckle, a teenage girl saying she related to sad things .what sadness has she seen? She was silly just like her brother. I asked her if she was no longer going to islamiya and she said she started at an early age so she had a very good understanding of the sunnah, Quran and other Islamic books, but above all she understood Arabic. she didn't want to talk that much. The other day she was all over the place but today she seemed different so I decided to just leave early. I told her I didn't want to miss the congregation prayer, even though it was part of the reason why it was also because I started feeling a little bit uncomfortable . She didn't seem interested in anything apart from the lessons, girls and their mood swings!

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