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Sadeeqs p.o.v
Lalle (indeed) the audacity of Hayaat she has gone to the university and has grown wings now. She thinks because we haven't been in touch for some months she can just move on and find someone else. Well, it isn't over until I say so.
I hastily put on my jallabiya and headed straight for their house. I greeted mama and asked her for consent to speak to baba. She guided me in .I went down on my knees and began to cry after greeting baba. ka taimake ni( help me) I said . Baba you know the tragedy that befell me ,ever since,Hayaat has been treating me like I was nothing. Please I can't live without her help me! I pleaded. Baba told me I shouldn't worry that Hayaat was mine and all I had to do was wait for the right moment. I thanked him and left. I may not have made it in military school but I learnt how to manipulate people and if I was going to get Hayaat all I had to do was make baba sympathize with me. After all , what father wouldn't want his daughter to marry a man who will beg and cry just for the fear of losing his daughter?

Hayaats p.o.v

Kabir was a busy man and I was also busy with lectures but he was comprehending. We didn't meet that often but I knew my heart was safe with him and we didn't need to be constantly scared of losing each other because we understood our busy schedule and trusted each other.

Kabir was done with his internship and was preparing to go to Malaysia for his masters and I was done with my level four. I stayed in school for two more months for my second semester posting. I was done with my posting so I decided to go home for the rest of the holiday. Dr told me he didn't want to leave without introducing himself to my family.I told him I would tell them about him when I got home for the holidays.
I wasn't sure of how they would take the news but I would be bringing home an angel for them and kabir was definitely the right person for me.

Kabir and I met after my exams and we planned our life for a brief moment .we talked about me moving to Malaysia with him after I graduated .I didn't mind living anywhere in this world as long as I was with kabir. Leaving in Malaysia would be nice too.
"can I take a picture of you"?he asked
I wanted to say things like you know I don't like pictures or don't be so cheesy but he looked at me in a strange way.
The kind of look a mother gives her son at the airport before sending him off to war,the kind of look you give your cat when it is sent to the veterinarian. So I smiled and said ok. He took series of picture. I didn't know why but my heart kept sinking and I was anxious.
"I hope I see you again" ,I said
"you will"he replied
"my whole life depends on it"I said
It was a cheesy line from the movie" about time",at that time, I had no idea my life would come to really depend on it.

I got home for the holiday filled with excitement. I was going to tell mum that sadeeq and I broke up and Dr would be coming for an introduction. Mum cooked my favorite and we spent the whole night catching up. My little brother Ishaq said guess what " I turned immediately and replied what? "Nothing, he said. Then came my ustaziya sister with a long hijab. She stood beside me , how have you been ?She greeted me, stop acting so matured"I said and ran to hug her. "guess what ishaq asked again" I responded this time irritatingly. What! Khadija is getting married, he said. Which Khadija I asked. How could my sister be getting married when I had not even gotten engaged. She was always at home,when did she get a husband? I had to work on my communication skills with my sister.
But it was an opportunity for me. If Khadijah would be getting married then certainly,my parents will welcome the idea of kabir. All my fears had gone into an eternal slumber.

"Mama can I talk to you privately " I asked
"Hayaat habibty, it's late already ,let's talk in the morning " mama said.
"Sai ambakir(till morning)"I said
"Allah hisabbina(may Allah make us wake up)"she replied.
It would come to be one of the longest nights of my life as I was tossing and wishing morning would come faster . I decided to call kabir to pass time.
"Hello sweetheart "I said
"Hello hayaaty " he responded
"Did you miss me "? I asked
"Of course I did,I was thinking of calling you but I assumed you were sleeping " how is home? He asked.
"Peaceful! But I wish you were here with me"
"Don't worry ,soon I will be wherever you are Hayaat " he said
"I am sleepy kabir, goodnight , I love you" I said
"I love you more " he replied.
I woke up for subh prayer, recited my quran and went back for round two of my sleeping routine.
I had completely forgotten I was back home, Ishaqs voice was the first thing I heard ,"Hayaat mama tanadiki( mum is calling you)"
"baji ( I am coming)I said.
I went downstairs ,breakfast had already been served because I didn't sleep early last night I was not able to wake up early and help her. I decided to just go and greet baba .
" Hasbaka afe"( good morning)I greeted,
"How are you my beautiful girl" baba asked. "I am good baba ,how is work ?" I asked.
He asked about school and Halima. We chatted for some minutes and he got ready for work.

I was too shy to talk to mama about kabir. You just don't go to your parent and tell them about the guy you want to bring home, it's a bit brazen I guess but I had no choice , if I had an elder sister she would have intervened on my behalf. I told mama that sadeeq and I had a fall out . He had strange ways of dealing with emotions and we broke up. I told her I met this new guy that treated me gently with so much kindness and love. But mama wouldn't say a single word to me. She just kept looking at me with pity. I knew that look far too well not to understand it. It's the look halima gives me when she catches me crying in my pillow sometimes, it's the same look kabir gives me when I mention how badly I was hurt in my previous relationship. "Mama what's wrong I asked? "
"Nothing ,Hayaat I am glad to hear that. I would talk to your dad about him and see first". I knew she would be shocked at finding out I broke up with sadeeq but she was sad. she didn't need to pity me since I am happy now and yet the look in her eyes left me uneasy. I brushed the feelings off and continued with the days routine.
A day went by and no news from mama. She would send these awkward smiles my way when she saw me . I knew something was up but I couldn't really pinpoint the problem.

I decided to stop guessing and called Ishaq. He told me everything that resulted to Khadijah getting married. It turned out that my aunt who lives in Abuja was looking for a wife for her son. My aunt had told him to choose either Khadijah or me and at first he choose me but baba declined, saying I was already betrothed to Sadeeq . I wasn't betrothed to sadeeq but that wasn't the point. He changed his mind and choose Khadijah instead. This was clearly not a love marriage . Was Khadijah ok with it? She was too young to get married and at that a loveless marriage. A lot was going to on on my mind but why is mama sad ? I asked ." I don't know, maybe because she doesn't want family marriage " he replied. Family marriage had its speck but like all things, it has its demerits. If the marriage was to crumble the family will crumble with it. Maybe that's why mama was sad, I said to myself.
"So would Khadijah be getting married before me" I asked tickling Ishaq
"You don't know,do you?" He asked
"Know what" I responded.
"Nothing " he said and ran away
He just wants me to run after him for a piece of information that was probably useless ,I muttered to myself.

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