Chris the cheesy boyfriend

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Note: I'm switching point of view from Jack(3rd person) To Chris(3rd person)

The sun was warming the air. Chris put his hand on Blakes shoulder while they walked across the broken concert side walk next to a road.
"Sup baby," Chris winked with his tongue out.
"You're to cheesy," Blake scrunched his face up and rolled his eyes.
"Your face is ugly when you do that," Chris smiled and shoved his shoulder a smudge. Chris grabbed Blake and pushed him to his right side more towards the grassy area. HONK. A car flew by going well over 45mph. Blake eyes widen.
"I-," Blake started but Chris cut him off.
"It's fine, it's fine," Chris waved his hand in the air with only three fingers up, his thumb, pointer and middle. Chris breathed in and then out.
"Are-are," Blake went off a speaking trail.
"Am?? I?? What??" Chris stared at him. Blake turned his head to somewhere else. Chris looked at the direction and saw a girl about 5'5 heading towards them with black long straight silky hair. She wore a pink dress that went 4 inches above her knees. The dress with tight and was a one strapped on the left side of her shoulder. She had light blue eyes and her face was a beauty. She had naturally makeup with red lips on. In her right hand was a pink silky expensive looking hand held pocket book. She wore red heels about 4 inches high. She was walking with confidence with her head held high and her length of walking was not short nor to large. It was like a model walk.
"Hello," She waved at Chris and smiled and then pushed her hair back.
"Do I know you?" Chris looked at her without blinking.
"No, but you can," She reached out to Chris's arm. Chris eyes went straight to her hand as she moved her hand closer to his arm. He looked at Blake and immediately moved away from her. "Well, thanks but, I have someone," Chris smiled nicely.
"I'm better than her," She licked her lips and made her figure pop out. Blake eyes looked down.
"I have someone a lot better than you," Chris walled to Blake.
Blake looked up and smiled.
"Are you gay?" She asked.
"I-" Blake tired to speak up. 
"It's fine if you are. Lets me know your not into girls," She smiled.
"Yeah," Chris put his arm around Blake.
"Aww he's a cutie," She said and waved while she walked out. Chris and Blake stared at each other. Blake smiled.

"What?" Chris busted out laughing.
"Stop!" Blake looked away smiling.
Blake kissed Chris on the cheek.
Chris smiled and put his arm over Blake's shoulder and walked to the gas station near by. They went in and Chris held the door open for Blake. Chris grabbed a few energy drinks while Blake grabbed some snacks like chips and candy. Chris smiled and pulled out his card after he sat down all the drinks onto the counter top and waited for Blake to set down four bags of chips and seven candy bags. Chris looked away and sighed. 

" Yes, Chris?" Blake titled his head like a puppy.

"Nothing. It is fine if you got this much I can pay for it. No worries," Cris smiled and put in his debt card. After they left the gas station they went to Chris's house and had fun watching movies with their snacks and drinks.

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