The Dream

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Theo ran his fingers in his hair slowly and then he smiled softly and winked at Jack.
"Hey, Jack," Theo started up, "You're really cute when you blush." Theo smirked and stepped closer to Jack.
Jack face burned hot, hotter than a pan of bolling water.
"T-Theo. D-don't tease me. Just-Just kiss me!" Jack threw himself onto Theo. Theo caught him. Theo pressed his lips onto Jack's lips.
Jack suddenly opened his eyes. He was staring at the celling. Jack rubbed his eyes and sat up. He hit the alarm off.
Jack stood up and looked in the mirror on his door and touched his lips.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!" Jack just realized he had kiss Theo in his dreams. "WHAT KINDA OF SICK DREAM WAS THAT!!!" Jack screamed.
"JACK!!! SHUT UP!!!" Jack's mom yelled at him.
"No buts!"
Jack stared at the mirror. He thought, "No way can I go to school now!". His brain had the image of him and Theo touching lips. His brain would not let him be. Every second he walked or talked Theo lips onto his stuck in his mind.  Jack went downstairs and grabbed the toast that was on the table. He put it in his mouth and headed out the door. When he got to school, he parked in the same spot as the other day. He had finished his toast right before he reached the school parking lot.

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