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He arrived at his school about 7:20AM. He parked his car and turned it off and got out. He then closed the drivers door and opened the back seat behind the driver and grabbed his bookbag out. He then closed the car door and started to head to front of the building. Someone reached out and put their arm around Jack. Jack quickly and felt his heart dropped.
"Oh my-" He let out a sigh if relief.
"Yo, Jack," The boy said.
"Jeezs, Chris. You can't come up outta nowhere givin me heart attacks," Jack said.
"Hahaha," Chris smiled and started to walk with his arm around Jack.
"Hey, I heard there's a new kid," Chris started.
"Oh, cool. I really don't care," Jack shrugged.
"Come on! Maybe we can befriend the dude!" Chris nudged Jack in the arm. Chris was always there for him. He was 5'9 and really handsome. He has emerald green eyes. He would get the girls asking him if he's talking to someone.
"Ah, I don't know dude," Jack looked around and saw a girl coming. "I'll see you," Jack started to leave.
"Hey, um Chris? Do you have a girlfriend," She nervously ran her hand threw her hair.
"Sorry, I am not taking applications," Chris smiled and waved bye and went to join Jack.
"Why won't you tell them?" Jack looked at Chris.
" Its none of their business, I also do not want the whole school knowing," Chris sighed, " I thought you knew this!"
"Well yeah, but I don't even know their name. It's like your dating a guy," Jack laughed.
" What if I am?" Chris paused and looked away.
"Huh? Don't tell me you are!" Jack noticed him stopping.
Chris went slight.
"OH MY GOD! YOU ARE?!"Jack eyes widen and he took a step back.
"Do you have an issue about it?" Chris started to play with his fingers and tap his foot.
"Oh... um...You just took me for surprise. I did not think you were into dudes," Jack frowned and held his hand out to Chris.
"You don't hate me?" Chris grabbed Jack hand.
"Nah, bro. You chill," Jack smiled. They headed inside the building.
The bell rang for 1st period. Jack and Chris waved goodbye.
Jack sat in the back with his hoodie up. Everyone arrived to the class and everyone was seated.
"We have a new student today class so be kind," The teacher stood at the front of class.
The door opened and there stood a 6'0 tall, messy, brown hair that wouldn't cover his blue eyes. On his right side of his face was a beautiful beauty mark. His skin was on the darker shade of white, tan.
"Oh my! He is handsome!" All the girls started to whisper.
Jack looked at the dude and met him in his eyes. The new kid eyes sparkled when Jack met them. Jack never saw anyone as handsome as him.
The new student move to the front of class, "Hello," He said in a comfort calm voice, "My name is Theo," He smiled. "Oh can I sit in the back next to the boy with the black jacket," He pointed to Jack.
"Oh yes, he doesn't talk much," The teacher said.
Theo walked to the seat next to Jack and sat down. Jack stared at him.
Theo smiled and waved at him. Thump, Thump. Jack put his hand on his chest. "Wha-wha" Jack thought to himself, "What's happening?".
"Your name?" Theo asked.
"H-huh?" Jack looked at him.
"OH, DID HE JUST SPEAK?!" A girl near them stood up and shouted.
"Oh he did," another girl said.
Jack pulled his hoodie down. He felt his face getting hot.
"He really never spoke?" Theo looked at the girls.
"No never," one of them said.
Theo smiled,"That's interesting."
Jack stared at the wall the rest of class. DING DING. Jack jumped up and rushed out of the class. "Thank god! Its now second!" Jack thought as he would speed walk to his next class.

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