TheHotTheo hang out

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The next Moring at 7:00 Am Chris walked up to Jack, shook him. "Wake the hell up Man," Chris shook him violently. Jack woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.
Jack stood up and stretched. "What?" Jack looked at Chris.
"We gotta go to school, I live minutes away. Remember?" Chris gave him a "Your dumb look".
"Oh, right. Let's go" Jack started to walk out the door.
"By the way, Theo texted you three times," Chris passed Jack his phone.
"Ah thanks," Jack tried to turn his phone on. "Of course its dead," Jack sighed.
"My bad. I don't have one that fits your phone," Chris walked out the door and to Jack's car. Jack unlocked the door and got into the drivers seat and turned on the radio.
Jack put the key in the keyhole and turned it on. He looked at Chris to see if he was ready. Chris nodded.
-Time skip, after school-
"Jack wait up!" Theo ran to him. Jack smiled.
"Oh, I forgot to ask why you didn't answer," Theo titled his head.
Theo walked right next to Jack.
"My phone died, I did not have my charger," Jack looked at his phone.
"I have a charger that fits!" Theo took his phone charger out and handed it to Jack.
"Ah, thanks," Jack took the charger and walked to his car with Theo. Jack unlocked the car doors. Theo grabbed the driver door and opened it for Jack. "Get in Jack," Theo smiled playfully.
Jack shock his head and got in. Theo closed his door and hoped in the other side and then closed the car door. Jack put the key in and turned it. He backed up and then put it in drive.
"Let's go bowling!" Theo eyes sparkled and looked over at Jack. Jack met his eyes, "Erm... S-sure," Jack said and looked back onto the road.
"I will pay don't worry!" Theo waved his wallet.
"Thanks, I barley make anything from working an hour," Jack commented onto it.
Theo smiled and turned on the radio.
"Ahh, You can turn it to whatever!" Jack panicked and tired to stop it.
"Back door" by Stray kids started to play.
"You into  Kpop to!" Theo eyes lit up again and his smile was huge.
"Y-yeah a bit," Jack messed with his hair in front of his eye. Theo reached to his own ear and rubbed his ear.
"You alright?" Jack tired to look over but he was still driving.
"Yeah, just my ear where it was pierced hurts a little," Theo took out his ear piercing from his left ear.
"You have your ears pierce?!" Jack opened his mouth some.
"Yeah, you just noticed?" Theo stared blankly at him.
"Yeah," Jack pouted and saw the bowling alley and turned into the parking lot. He found a parking spot and turned the wheel to make the car fit. He got into it and put the brakes on. He then put it into park and turned the car off.
"You ready?" Jack took the key out and got out of the car.
"Yeah, ready to win," Theo kind of hopped out of the car and closed the door. His face was shinning. Jack looked at him and even smiled. Theo's smile was huge. Theo waved to Jack and skipped to the front of the building. Jack shook his head and followed behide Theo. "He's like a puppy on walk," Jack thought.
Theo and Jack walked into the bowling alley.
The worker came up to Theo.
"Hello, Bowling for two?" They said.
"Yes, please," Theo pulled out his wallet and handed them 40 bucks.
"Alright, that should do it," The worker took the money. "Oh what size shoe?" The worker asked.
" Size 9," Theo looked at Jack.
"Um.. 5," Jack looked away when he talked.
" Alrighty then. I will be back with the shoes," The worker went off.
"You really are shy?" Theo teased Jack.
"I-I..S-shut up," Jack couldn't get a grip on the words he wanted to say. His face turns pink every time he's around Theo. He's trying to figured out why his face and he acts around Theo are different then when he is with anyone else. The worker came back and handed the boys their shoes.
Jack and Theo took their shoes off and put the bowling ones on. They went to the bowling area and each picked out a ball.
"Can I have the blue one..," Jack asked Theo. Theo just picked up a light pound not to heavy one.
"Oh sure?" Theo gave it to him.
Jack's eyes sparkled.
"You really wanted this one?" Theo picked up a pink one.
"Yeah... I always use blue," Jack walked to the computer thing and settled the game up. It took him five minutes.
"That was quick," Theo said.
" You are first. Go for it," Jack put the blue ball on the machine that would give the balls back.
Theo walked to the edge of the floor where he wouldn't slip.
Theo pulled back his arm and rolled the ball perfectly done the middle. CRASH.
"YOU GOT A STRIKE?! ON THE FIRST BOWL?!" Jack jumped up and stared at him. Jack's eyes widen and had a sparkle to them. Theo smirked and proudly walked to Jack.
"You can't win against a master bowler," Theo right side of smile went to his right ear. Theo eyes had the "I'm better than you look" in them.
Jack smirked and stood up and put his right arm over his left arm. Jack walked to the ball and picked it up. He put his fingers inside the holes. He pulled his arm back and then forward.  He let go if the ball towards the left. The ball rolled and hit 3 pins.
Jack walked slowly back to the chair. He sat down.
"Hahahaha," Theo eyes watered.
"SHUT UP!" Jack stood up and balled his hand into a fist.
"It is fine!!" Theo put his hands up.
They bowled for about an hour.
In the end Theo won.
Jack did not get home till 8:00pm.
Jack laid on his bed. He looked at the celling.
"Man, Theo is hot when he sweats," Jack spoke out loud and smiled softly.
He closed his eyes. He quickly fell asleep while thinking of sweaty hot Theo.

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