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Niall's pov:
It was a couple weeks into school . I walked in the entry way and I saw her....Kate. This girl was totally fucked up. She wears all black and a jacket all the time. She doesn't understand her fucking capabilities . She makes you hate her and want to love her at the same time. I can't love her though . I'm Niall Horan , the most popular boy in school. She's a nerd ,too bad for my popularity status. So I'll just bully her instead .
Kate's PoV
8:00 a.m I read as I looked at my phone. Ugggh I need to get ready for school. This is what I dread every day. I hate going to school. I get bullied every day. I know what you're probably thinking , yeah yeah sure another attention seeking nerd. well, I know I'm nothing but I do at least try and be happy. It doesn't work though. I grabbed my clothes from my closet and got in the shower . when I finished getting ready I went downstairs . my mom wasn't home as always, she was probably out with her new boyfriend Rick. Whatever I grabbed my lanyard and got in my car. As I was driving to pick up my only friend Olivia, my favourite song " wanted " came on the radio . I turned it up and sang along .

My bully Niall Horan [VERY SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now