Chapter 14

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~Luna's POV~

I was sitting on Cerberus's head with Robin while the others were walking beside us. We had gone in search of Nami, CHopper and Ussop. We knew they were in trouble thanks to Nami's scream that flowed through the air earlier. And after a couple miles of walking, Luffy beat up the three headed dog and tamed it so Robin and I decided to ride it. Not having to walk was good and all, but I couldn't help feel like I was losing control of my body and mind. Tonight was that accursed night. And my Birthday.

"Are you ok Miss Luna?" I heard Robin ask from beside me. I turned to look at her and tried to smile and tell her I was fine but it came out more as a grimace. I was also pretty sure my eyes were becoming more and more red with each passing second. She must have noticed because instead of relaxing, she became even more tense and concerned. "Is there anything I can to to help?" she asked me in a voice that wouldn't carry to the guys. I hoped.

"No, sorry Robin. But no one can help me with this." I told her in an equally soft voice. "Luna, the moon is almost full" Bloody rose told me. I tensed at that before jumping off our ride and began to run in front of the others. I did not want to hurt them once I lost every piece of control I had left. Even if I was already halfway gone. I ran even faster to get away from my friends and the one I love.

Somehow I got so far ahead I could no longer sense their auras. Oh well. At least I won't hurt them like this. I began walking once more only to stop as a extremely strong aura surrounded me. "Well, well. I found an interesting specimen. Gihihi." the voice said, coming from behind me. Turning around I saw The shubki himself, Gecko Moria. "Now, come quietly and you wont get hurt as much." he said while reaching one of his huge hands out towards me. I had no chance of escape. Once his hand was around me, he began to cut off my oxygen. And like that I was out like a light.

~Zoro's POV~

"Damn it!" I yelled while trying not to strangle Sanji or Luffy. They just weren't helping with my already dark mood. "Where the hell did she go?" I growled, not expecting anyone to answer.

"Zoro, calm down. I'm sure that she's fine." Chopper said. He was soon contradicted by the sound of screaming coming from the mansion up ahead.

"You were saying?!" I growled while I glared at the doctor. I speed up, wanting to get to her and beat the crap out of whoever was hurting my Luna.

"Oi! Marmi! Don't take your frustration out on Chopper!" the love cook yelled at me. I turned and gave him a death glare and he gave me one right back. Before a fight could break out between us, multiple hands courtesy of Robin appeared and held us back.

"Now is not the time for us to fight amongst ourselves. We have to find the others do we not?" she asked us in a calm voice.

"Anything for you Robin- Chan~" the love cook said with hearts in his eyes and twirling around like an idiot.

All I gave as a response was annoyed "Tch." I began to walk even faster and soon we were inside the mansion being led by some sort of Zombie pig. I didn't even bother listening their conversation. My mind was solely on Luna. I could sense her nearby. Her aura was different than before. It felt murderous and even more powerful than it did when she killed her cousins. There was an even stronger aura that was coming from where she was. Who ever it belonged too was on his kill list.

~Everyone's POV~

While Nami, Chopper and Ussop prowled the ground of the deepest part of the mansion, Robin and Franky were fighting some armored Zombies after Sanji, Luffy and Zoro got their shadows taken and sent back to the ship. Brook told Franky about the zombies weakness while Nami got kidnapped by the leader of the zombies. Ussop and Chopper went back to the ship and meet up with Robin and Franky at the ship. Of course the idiot trio were still asleep so Ussop had to wake them up somehow. Of course he came up with something stupid but it worked.

"Pretty Women." Ussop began, causing Sanji to wake up. "With Swords," causing Zoro to wake up. "And Meat." which caused the biggest idiot out of all three, Luffy, to wake up. "Well at least they are awake now." he told the others.

"Yes, now we have to figure out a plan of action to find the others." Robin state calmly. And like that the group, minus the still not quite awake trio, began to discuss a plan.


"You are a very interesting specimen indeed." Gecko Moria said while rubbing his hands together gleefully. He stared at the struggling girl strapped to the table who created such an evil aura of death around her. The moon outside was almost fully red now and cracks were starting to form in the metal links for the past few minutes were now gaping holes. Luna, the girl on the table, now had warm and one leg free with her hand around her sword. Mira was starting to become increasing more nervous with each passing second. Not much could strike fear into this war lord. But this girl was definitely one of them

A loud *shink* followed by another loud *shink* could be heard in the quiet room. Luna was now free of the mettle holding her back. She began to laughing insanely before attacking anything in her way. That included Mira himself. No one was safe from the path of death and the killing instinct now running through her. The only person who might have even the slightest chance would be the green haired swordsman himself.

After wounding the war lord, the blood crazed version of Luna began her journey towards the centre of the palace, smiling wickedly and killing anyone in her way the whole way there.

~Zoro's POV~

I could feel Luna's aura getting closer and closer to us. Till suddenly it stopped in the middle o the whole place. I didn't even try to pay attention to the plan. I was more worried about Luna and the destruction she was no doubt causing. I could feel the killing aura of the Ero-cook coming from next me. He was beyond furious about some patch work guy making Nami, the debt witch, his bride.

I could only fear sorry for the guy, he didn't know what he was getting himself into. Meh. Oh well, it's not my problem. I noticed the others were getting off the ship so I yawned while stretching before following them towards the centre of the island. Luna was there and I bet so was that Mira guy and the giant Luffy zombie. I was itching for a fight, I only hoped that I could deal with Luna without hurting her. I really didn't want to, but if I had to I will. Such were my thoughts for the rest of the walk there.

Heart Attack (Under major editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon