Chapter 8

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Zoro already knew so may secrets about Luna that he was confused as to what more there could be. He looked over at Sanji who, was looking at him with a huge smirk on his face. "Afraid I might win this one moss head?" Sanji asked with a wicked gleam in his eyes. This really pissed off Zoro.

"No! Why would I be afraid to loose to a damn love cook?" he snarled back. Thus, the two of them set about looking through the girl's room desperately. Bickering all the while. They stayed in there for what seemed like forever till both of them decided to look in the draws and in the closet. Zoro chose the draws while Sanji chose the closet.

Zoro opened one of them and saw row after row of PJ's. all of which a young girl would wear. One of them in particular caught his eye. It was the only neutral colored thing in the draw. That's not sparked his interest though. It was the item hidden beneath the top and the bottom.

He picked it up and found it was a piece of paper. He then opened it and found a note.

Dear Mother and Father,

I know that I have caused you trouble and will continue to do so in the future. I have decided to go and search the world for the one thing I have yet to find.

I don't know if I will find it, but if I do, I may not ever return. I won't tell you what I'm looking for but, I will give you a hint.

It freezes the blood of evil and provides peace to the good.

It can only be obtained a certain way.

It could be a good thing or a bad thing.

It has many names.

Life and death

Love and War

Rose and Thorn

If you still don't know what I'm talking about then this is farewell.

I will always love you.

With love,

from your daughter Luna.

By the time he finished reading the letter he was cold as ice. He had an idea of what she was looking for. But, if he was right it could very well mean she was preparing to find it even if it cost her life. He turned around to see what Sanji was doing and saw him holding what seemed like a girl's undergarments with hearts in his eyes.

Once he realized who they belonged to he punched Sanji causing the clothes to fly every where. One of them landed on his head before he picked off his head and blushed. She was this grown up as a kid? No wonder that admiral was pawing her he thought to himself while shaking his head.

"What the hell was that for you damn marimo?!" he heard Sanji yell at him from the floor as he slowly got up. He just gave him a meaningful look before walking out of the room and back down the stairs where Luna and her parents waited. Once he was down the stairs and walked over to them, he silently handed her mother the note.

He sat down just as he heard twin gaps come from the parents direction. "Luna, when did you right this?" her mother asked in a trembling voice. Luna looked form him to the letter and then to her parents. A look of sorrow crossed her lovely features.

"I wrote it before I walked out the door all those many years ago." she said in a voice filled with misery and sorrow. She looked away from their faces and got up and walked out the door. He watched her go aware of the stares her parents were giving him.

"Do you know what she is after? " they asked him sadly. He shook his head in response seeing them stiffen. "You do. You at least have an idea of what it is. Tell us please." they begged. He looked at them aware of the tension in the air. He shook his head silently telling them no.

He then walked away from them and towards the door before saying "I do have an idea but, I won't say anything till I'm sure though" he said on a sigh before walking out the door and following the trail Luna had left. By trail, he meant the scent of Night Lilies and fruit. It was strangely hypnotic.

He later found her standing near a Sakura tree sitting down looking sad and every bit like a nature spirit. Her back was to him but, he could still hear her soft voice from where he was standing. It sounded like she was singing. He took a few steps forward and stopped when the song carried by her rich voice flooded his awaiting ears.

I stand where the wind blows, A distant reminder.

I was never to return, the place of the broken heart.

I stand where the earth weeps, my life leaving a trail of red.

It's mine to keep.

A child stands, a knife in her hand. Smiling she sinks into the darkness.

I stand where the river flows, the future girl no longer a pure child.

What remains is a shattered women covered head to toe in it's chilling embrace.

I stand where the Cherry tree sways, lost in the worlds lying ways.

Broken no longer.

I carve away the pieces no longer needed, they float away like red petals.

I stand under the moonlit sky, the only light guiding my life.

The path ahead no longer what I desire.

What I once thought, no longer a path forward.

I walk the path of sin, a path open to the girl within.

The young angel now a grown demon.

He knew in that instant the song was about herself. He wanted to hug her till such thoughts and memories no longer existed. He heard, rather than saw, a tear drop into the grass. And without realizing it, he was hugging her from behind. What in the world am I doing? he asked himself.

"Zoro? What are you doing here?" she asked with a voice filled with surprise and sorrow. He didn't even attempt at a reply. Instead he leaned his head on her shoulder. He felt her stiffen before relaxing once more.

"I was looking for you and saw you here." He said slowly as if not capable of anything else. "I also heard that song you were singing. Mind telling me when you wrote that?" he asked looking into her beautiful gem colored eyes.

"I wrote in prison. I didn't think anyone would hear me though." she said smiling slightly with a bit of pink dusting her cheeks. He felt his heart rate pick up again and was slowly starting to feel like he was drowning in a purple sea.

"Why were you looking for me though?" she asked looking away from him and breaking the trance he was suddenly in.

"Because I wanted to ask you something." He replied. He looked at her before he felt killing intent and turned around to see Sanji standing there face in shadows posed for a fight with his right leg raised.

Heart Attack (Under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now