Chapter 7

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Luna couldn't stand just standing there anymore. She knew wandering off wasn't a good idea but, it was still better than standing around doing absolute nothing. She knew Zoro, Sanji and Bloody Rose were following her but couldn't bring herself to care.

Walking down the streets she made her way to her house. Or rather, what was once her house. She opened the door after doing a complex knock that identified it was her. Her parents ran to her and hugged her. "We are glad to see you Luna. Why are you back? The marines could have seen you." her mother asked while searching for anything out of place.

"Mom, Dad. I'm back. I'm back because I'm visiting with my crew mates. Don't worry no one saw me." she said hugging her mother fiercely.

"Crew, what do you mean?" her mother asked. She told them everything that had happened so far. When she finally stopped she heard the door creak open and in came the trio who had been following her.

"Mom, meat Zoro and Sanji. Their my crew mates. I'm a member of the Straw Hat Pirates." she said smiling slightly. Her father looked like he was about to say something but stopped when her mother broke out in hysterical laughter.

"You not only killed an admiral but are now part of a pirate crew?" her mother asked. She nodded her head and her mother grinned the grin that meant that she was secretively glad her daughter had found some friends. Her dad then stepped forward and looked at the men behind her.

"I just want to say that, if either one of you plan on doing anything to my little girl you're going to have to face me!" he stated menacingly. Both the boys paled and nodded their heads clearly feeling his aura encompass the room.

She chuckled at their expressions of fear before she noticed that Bloody Rose was now floating toward her father before both of them started having a secret conversation.


Zoro didn't know her father was seriously strong nor did he expect the sudden laughter between Luna and her mother. He smiled at the similarities the three shared. One thing was, Luna was tall and pale yet tan like her father. While she had the same hair, eyes and lips as her mother.

Luna's mother's name was Violet and her father's name was Damon. Both adored their daughter in different ways. Her mother smothered her with love while her father watched her from afar.

Luna's mother walked over to him and Sanji before asking "Which one of you are her boyfriend?"

Of course, they both said "I am!" at the same time. They then turned on each other and began fighting.

"What was that you damn euro cook?!" he growled.

"I could ask you the same thing you damn moss head!" Sanji growled back. They heard laughter and saw Luna's mom looking at them while laughing.

"You guys are funny. Well, in order to see who she like more lets play a little game." she said smirking a bit. "Both of you will have several trials to go through and if you win you get points. The person with the most points gets to be my daughters boyfriend and have a whole day to spend with her." She looked at them for agreement to which they both nodded their heads.

Thus they found themselves participating in the game. "Round one is to figure out what her favorite food is." she yelled at them from afar. They then began looking through the food items set on the counter before them with an tense Luna sitting in a chair nearby. Zoro picked a bowl filled with fruit while Sanji picked a bowl filled with some sort of green stuff.

Luna took one look at the green stuff inside the bowl Sanji choose and shook her head and wrinkled her nose slightly. Zoro smiled at the sad look on Sanji's face before stepping forward and showing her the bowl he choose. She gave him a smile and he knew he won that round. "The first point goes to Zoro." he heard Violet, Luna's mother say.

"The next round is, find out what her favorite animal is!" she announced. Zoro immediately went for the tiger stuffed animal while Sanji went for the wolf. Once again Luna said 'no' to what Sanji brought and smiled at what he brought. He could tell Sanji was becoming angry at losing to him. That made him happy in a small way. "Zoro wins round two!" he heard Violet say.

"Round 3 is who can make Luna blush the most." she stated. Both Sanji and he walked over to Luna prepared to win. Luna took one look at them and took off. She's not going to make this easy is she? he thought on a sigh. He and Sanji spent most of their time searching the house for Luna.

When he finally found her she was in her old room looking at something with her back to him. He took this chance and snuck up behind her before picking her up. She squealed in surprise before noticing it was him. He smirked at the look on her face before leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips.

She stilled right when their lips made contact and he could tell she was blushing a deep shade of red. He smirked as her eyes widened and her blush deepened as he deepened the kiss. "Round three goes to Zoro." he heard her mother say from behind him.

This is the final round and is worth four points. You must find out a secret about my daughter." she stated.

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