Chapter 3 (Edited)

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Kaguya found herself, surprisingly, enjoying the time she spent with Zoro. He was different than all the other men she'd met up till now. She had never met someone, let alone a male, that mad her feel so safe.

 She even found herself smiling around him. She couldn't remember the last time she had smiled. Most of her life was spent traveling from one place to another trying to out run the marines. 

You make one mistake and suddenly the world is your enemy, she thought sadly. Leaning her head on her stuffed animal she let a single tear slide down her cheek. Just thinking about it brought up such awful memories.


A sandy haired girl, barley the age of 10, was wondering around town enjoying the sights.  Suddenly, a drunk older man stepped out in front of her, blocking her path forward. 

"Well, what do we have here. Such a pretty little thing you are." the man says before backing her into a corner. "Why don't you come with me and we'll have some fun." he said while making a grab for her arm.

The young girl opened her mouth and let out a loud ear piercing scream before a large meaty hand covered her mouth. "Don't do that girly. We don't want you to get hurt do we?" His gruff voice when he talked, plus the rancid breath that wafted over her face, causing her eyes to water from both it and fear. She shook her head no rapidly, but the man either did not care or didn't notice, because his hand left her face and  took its place on her small arm .

He then began to drag her away from the crowded area of town and into the slums and back allies. "Now girly, lets have some fun." With that final and scarce warning, he leaned forward and began to unbutton her blouse. 

She struggled, her entire being fueled by panic, to get away from him. The young girl withdrew her trusty dagger and stabbed him in the chest, unknowing that the spot she had stabbed was right where the heart was located. 

She wasn't actually aiming for the part of him, she was just aiming to hit him anywhere at all.  The man's eyes widened before he fell to the ground in front of her,  blood seeping from his mouth and chest. The light slowly and irrevocably leaked from the man's eyes until they were a dull muddy brown. 

Taking the chance she escaped and raced home to find her parents frantically searching for her. When they saw her rumpled and blood covered body they began asking question after question like any parent would. 

The young girl then told them everything about the prior events. Her parents comforted her through through it all and then, once she was through, demanded to know what he looked like. "He was tall and meaty looking, with brown hair and eyes. He also wore a white and blue uniform." she whispered, her voice hoarse voice from all the crying she had done so far..

Her parents paled at her description and told her to go pack her stuff. When she asked why, they simply told her that the man she killed had been an admiral (whatever that was) and that the marines would soon be looking for her. She was no longer safe there. 

So, doing as she was told, she packed enough stuff to last her 2-3 years on the road. Walking down the stairs she gave both her parents a sad smile and hugged them. Her father, a master metal smith then gave her one of his first cursed blades. "It's name is Tsubaki ( A.N:Red Camellia meaning: perish with grace)." he said handing it to her.

She looked at it and then at him before thanking them and running out into the moonlit night. That was the last time she had ever see them. The next few years were spent running and hiding as well as doing all sorts of odd jobs. She was no longer innocent. Instead she was more like a women than a child, if not physically then at least mentally. 

Heart Attack (Under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now