Chapter 2 (Edited)

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"What the hell happened out there Nami?" Zoro all but growled. How could they lose dammit?! This made no sense! There had to be something they were missing.

"Don't yell at me!" the navigator snapped back. It wasn't her fault they lost! The last thing she remembered was them being in the lead, and the next they weren't.

 "One moment we were going full speed and the next we slowed down tremendously." she stated defensively.Why did the swordsman just back off? They heard laughter coming from next to them and saw Foxy himself, and a few members, not too far away from their group. 

"That's right! It's all thanks to my Noro Noro beam." he said still chuckling obnoxiously. Clearly, whatever this Noro Noro beam was is had a hand in their sudden loss. 

Zoro saw Kaguya step in front of him which for some reason caused the man to back away face paling slightly. He clearly had an idea of  who stood before him. 

"Don't laugh at others feelings." she said with a voice so low he could barely hear it. Zoro could have sworn he saw her eyes glow red but couldn't be sure. it could always be a trick of the light.

Foxy shivered at the implied threat. "I don't want you doing that ever again." she said in a warning tone, hand on her Naginata to emphasize her threat. Foxy nodded hastily, and backed away scampering back to his crew, but not before he chose Chopper to join his group has per the rules of the game. 

Everyone, including Zoro, gaped at her. They hadn't expected such a strong reaction from her, not like that. She didn't seem the type. Then again, they didn't really know her that well either.

"That was awesome!" Luffy cheered not the slightest bit affected.

 Zoro noticed a small smile appear on her lips and was once more it was directed at Luffy. Zoro gnashed his teeth together at the site. 

But, when she turned and looked at him, that small smiled grew a bit in size. His heart fluttered inside his chest. Wow, what a pure smile, he thought blushing slightly, shaking himself slightly to clear such thoughts from his head. What was this woman doing to him?

A few minutes later the group turned to look at the sound of yelling. "Nami swan, Robin chan, I brought you some cotton candy." Sanji said walking up two the two women. He then turned to look at Kaguya, apparently noticing her just now, with hearts in his eyes. 

"Who's the lovely lady standing next to you Zoro?" he asked still looking at Kaguya. Apparently he forgot about having met her eariler. What an idiot. It might have had something to do with the head wound he got or maybe it was the women from the race. Who knows?

Nami face-palms at his behavior. He never learns does he? she thought exasperatedly. Honestly, why was she stuck with idiots?

"My name is Kaguya. I don't want you call me by anything me but that." Zoro heard her say in a voice that had equal parts polite and warning. She was taking his memory loss in strides it seems. At least he wasn't touching her.

Her lavender eyes were both guarded and kind but, she was no longer smiling. Sanji twirled over to her before getting down on one knee and kissing her hand charmingly. Zoro heard what sounded like a growl and realized it was coming from him. Why? He wasn't really sure. All he knew was he didn't like the cook toughing the cinnamon haired female

Seconds later, a loud bang and then a thud could be heard echoing in the air. Zoro looked up and saw that Nami had hit the blond's head, and Kaguya had hit him with the hilt of her Naginata on the back.

 Both were scowling down at the bloody looking Sanji. 'Serves him right' he thought smirking a bit before chuckling slightly when Luffy started laughing. 

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