Chapter 6

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Sanji was walking towards the kitchen to prepare a large lunch, he had a glutton for a captain after all, when voices from one of the nearby rooms caught his attention. 

They sounded like they were coming from the girls room. Maybe the girls were talking and need some refreshments? Or maybe they were need of help with something else? Either way, he was going to find out.

He began walking toward the room only to stop at the sight of Kaguya talking to the green haired bastard. He might rushing forward, Sanji yelled at said bastard causing both him and Kaguya to look at him in stunned silence.

Aprrantly he was interrupting a moment. Good! Sanji thought viciously, there is no way I'll allow moss head to touch Kaguya chan!

"What the heck are you doing here curly eyebrows?!" Zoro growled stepping in front of his Kaguya. Wait. His?! Where had that thought come from?

"I heard you talking to Kaguya chan and found you in her room! You're not allowed in here anyways.Now step away from her you damn moss headed bastard. " the cook growled back with equal fervor.  

As usual with these two, a fight broke out between the two once more. And much like last time, Kaguya beat the crap out of them both before walking away from them and down the stairs.

They both got up glaring at each other before walking after her. "Look what you did you stupid love cook! You've mad her mad!" Zoro snarled walking beside him.

"No, I believe it was you that made her mad!" the chief rumbled back. All to soon they reached the rest of the crew who, looked at them with a mixture of smiles and glares. The smiles being Luffy and Chopper of course while the rest of them were the ones glaring.

"Why, just why, did you have to make Kaguya  furious? Both of you!" Nami snapped at them as they reached the group. Honestly, what were these nimrods thinking. Now the rest of them had to deal with the storm they brought, not just them.

 Ah, Nami is so lovely when she's mad  Sanji thought to himself happily, ignoring her harsh words, they went in one ear and out the other. He then looked over at Kaguya and found she was still fuming. Strangely enough, she didn't seem to be mad at Zoro. It was more like she was mad at him instead.

Speaking of the green haired bastard, he was now standing next to a flushed Kaguya smirking as she looked away from him. Sanji growled in the back of his throat. 

How come she never acts like that around me?  he asked himself. He was better than that lawn head! Sanji knew how to treat a lady, the brute did not. All the moss head  knew was how to swing metal blades around and train.

"Hey Sanji, go fix something to eat, I'm hungry." Luffy whined from his spot next to him. You could literally hear the raven haired boy's stomach growl obscenely from across the room.

"Alright. Alright I'll go fix up something then." he sighed walking back the way he came grumbling under his breath the whole time. The only thought going through his cranium was: why Zoro?


Zoro watched the stupid love cook walk away before looking back at Kaguya. She was laughing at something Nami said which made him blush. It suits her he thought to himself dazedly. 

He felt a hand tap him and looked over to see Ussop looking at him with concern. "Your face is red. Are you alright?" he asked. Zoro just looked at him for a moment before responding.

"I'm fine. Go back to what you were doing ok?!" he snapped causing the long nosed pirate to back up hands raised in the defensive position. Once he was far enough away he ran a top speed away from the swordsman. What was his problem? He only asked because he was concerned. Yeesh!

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