Chapter 9

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Sanji had been told to stay put in the house. But, when he learned Zoro had already left to look for Luna he nearly kicked down the wall. Damn that stupid moss head going after my Luna! He walked a little ways from the house and caught a whiff of something that reminded him of Luna mixed with a hint of sweat belonging to Zoro.

Sanji smiled as he smelled the floral yet fruity fragrance but frowned at the smell of Zoro's body odor. He followed the trail to a clearing with a Sakura tree blooming in the middle of it. And underneath that tree was two familiar people.

They looked so in love that it made him furious. He raised one of his legs prepared to kick the unsuspecting bastard in the head but, before he could do that, the bastard turned around and saw him.

Damn it! Right when I was about kick him. How did he know I was even here? he asked himself. "I knew it. It was you." he heard the moss head say. He started to launch his foot straight towards the bastards open face but was stopped by a familiar feminine voice that could only belong to Nami.

"Sanji, Zoro, Luna! We need to go right now. An massive storm and waves are coming and if we don't get to high ground we could very well die." she yelled running up to them. Sanji felt his heart (and his mind) react to the orange haired Navigator. Luna walked up to her and the two began to talk.

Sanji couldn't help it. He instantly lost every bit of reason he owned and floated over to the two girls all while eyeing certain parts of their bodies. Just as he was about to finally get to touch Luna's irresistible skin he felt something hit his head. "What was that for you damn moss head?!" he snapped at the swordsman.

"What was that you perverted love cook?!" the moss haired man snapped back. It wasn't long till Luna and Nami split the two apart before telling them they needed to get to high ground. Sanji couldn't help but notice how the green haired swordsman looked at Luna. He looked at her as if she were the first fresh drink of water he had in years. And that was more than strange considering his personality.

They ran as huge wave after wave nipped at their heels ready to drag them under if they faltered. Luckily they all made it to one of the higher points of the city and out of harms way. Looking at everyone, Sanji noticed something showing through a slit on the back of Luna's shirt. What is it? And why does it look familiar? he asked himself unaware that he was still staring.


Luna felt someone drilling holes in her back and turned around to see a dazed Sanji looking at her for some reason. She had a pretty good idea of what it could be and hoped it wasn't the brand that was showing. She shivered at the thought of the very name. But, that coldness didn't last long. The memory of Zoro walking into the dressing room and finding her half dressed popped into her head like a reminder. She felt her face turn a bright pink and picked up her pace. Looking back a few minutes later, she realized she had lost the others and she was in the very alleyway where everything started.

Memories slammed into her full force and she fell to her knees tears silently gliding down her lowered face. Why? Why am I back here now? Must the universe taunt me so? her mind wondered. She sat like that crying till sleep claimed her and dragged her under it's sweet darkness.

Luna awoke to different voices floating around her as she slept. Cracking her eyes open and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she noticed that everyone on the crew plus a few additions were staring at her worriedly. "Hey, she's awake." a voice shouted quieting the noise instantly. "How do you feel?" the same voice asked.

"I feel fine. Thanks for asking" She looked up to find Nami looking at her with worried eyes that held something more hidden inside them. It was the same with everyone else besides Zoro. Well, Sanji was acting like the pervert he was while Zoro and Nami hit him over the head. That's when she knew, that they had seen her brand on her back. "You saw?" she croaked at them questioningly.

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