Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Vama Shah

Alrighty! This is for Vama Shah. She's been MY Love Guru these days, and I'm in debt to her. Cause without her motivation, I would have still been down in the dumps = no updates. So thank her for that! We haven't been in contact for a long time, but we've ALWAYS gotten along really well...!! 

Female Casanova's babbyy =D

Chapter 7

“Get your ass out of that dressing room now Cara!! It can’t be that bad,” Saph said in frustration.

“Give me a second alright?!” I replied even more annoyed then she was. I don’t know why she was complaining- I was the one getting all dolled up. I looked at myself in the mirror, and grimaced as I took in the bright pink palate of the dress that clashed horribly with my skin. The shoulders were poufy and off-shoulder, making me look ten times fatter than I actually was. I sighed and stepped out of the stall, my eyebrows scrunched together and then-


I blinked rapidly, I could see stars. First thing I saw when my sight cleared up was Saph was laughing, holding onto her stomach, and camera in her free hand.

“What the FUCK Saph!! What part of NO PICTURES do you NOT understand?!” I yelled at her trying to swipe the Nikon away from her, but tripping over the poufy skirt part in the process.

She just laughed and pranced a little to the right of me where she brought out another dress- an orange one with a pink satin bow at the front, a plastic gem holding it in place. WHO makes this shit?!

“No Sapphire, not that one; come on! Are you color blind or something?! Can you not see the pink and orange together?!” I said in outrage.

She sighed, “Fine, why don’t you go choose out something, we’ve already been through almost twenty dresses.”

My jaw dropped, “Twenty?! Are you sure?”

She gestured at the huge rainbow of dresses piled up to more than half my height. Then she shoved me towards the line of dresses along the

There were rows and rows of colour that just hit my eyes, blinding me, "can this place get even for colourful?!" I asked slight amused. Without saying a word sapphire who was right next to me picked off a dress from the rack- a multicoloured frilly dress. Aparently, it could.

Sapphire dotted away, prancing through to the back of the racks, me trying to stay out of sight of anyone I knew, as I still had on that disgusting dress. I flitted through the dresses, not even finding one I liked in ten minutes. I sighed and decided to go to Sapphires side of the rows.

"I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world, life is fantastic, I'm plastic. You can brush my hair, and take me anywhere..."

I got to my phone before it could do more collateral damage to my already damaged image, I tripped over my own feet this time, but grabbed the phone in a ninja-like fashion before I hit the floor, sliding the call on.

"Hey," I said slightly out of breath and wincing at my slightly carpet burned elbow.

He simply said, "Cara," and I immediately knew who it was.

"Hey Blade, what’s up?" I asked, blowing on my now scalded elbow, which was blazing red now.

"Are you trying to whistle?” He asked amused.

I scowled at him, “No dickwad- I tripped over my own feet in this stupid ugly dress that Saph made me try out, and now my elbow is on fire.”

I could practically feel him raising my eyebrows at me, “I highly doubt that your arm is on fire, but if you are, you know the drill, stop, drop and roll.” He laughed, “You can stop frowning at me now.”

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