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Sweat coated Oliver's tanned skin as he ran around the football field, for surely the twentieth time. His whole body was starting to ache and his breaths were short and uneven as he pushed his body out to the limit. He had been training for hours and the only reason he was still standing was his two sisters sitting on the bleachers. 

His older sister, Sofía, held a stopwatch as she timed him. Her goal was to help him get on the lacrosse team as he had failed last year without her help. She had been out on the field every day with him the whole summer for hours, working him out to the max. If there was someone who took training more seriously than the lacrosse team's Coach, it was Sofía.

Oliver's other sister, the youngest of the three of them, Gabriela, sat a row higher than Sofía, her chocolate brown hair up in a high ponytail. She had her sketchbook and pencils spread out in front of her in a complete mess, but she didn't seem to have a problem finding what she was looking for when she needed something. Her earbuds were plugged in her ears as she blasted her music at full volume, trying to block out all sounds around her as she concentrated on her drawing.

"Vamos, Oliver!" Sofía shouted, making Gabriela look up from her drawings in interest. The youngest Pérez smirked as she saw the distressed state her brother was in and took out her earbuds, interested in what her older sister was going to do. "You can do it, Oliver. Just five laps more!" Sofía smirked as Oliver gave her an annoyed look, knowing she was teasing him but still wanting to prove to her he could do it.

After another ten minutes, Oliver stopped and put his head between his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Sofía and Gabriela made their way over to their brother, their smirks now amused smiles as Oliver looked like he was gonna pass out any second. Sweat covered every part of his body and Sofía handed him his water bottle so he wouldn't dehydrate.

"That was good. You lasted twenty minutes longer than last week." Gabriela told him, but he was too exhausted to answer so he only gave her a thumbs-up as he took a large gulp of water. A chuckle left Sofía's lips at the action, and she patted his back, with little to no sympathy for his exhaustion. She knew that if he was gonna get on the team, he needed to take it to the max.

"You guys think I have a chance?" Oliver asked after finally regaining his breath. His hands were leaned against his knees again as he looked up from the ground, a hopeful expression on his face, the water bottle laying on the ground next to him. Sofía smiled at him before nodding. "Yeah, I do," she answered and Gabriela grinned as she nodded. "Sofía's been pushing you to the max all summer. I don't doubt for a second that you'll make it this time."

Oliver smiled at his sisters before standing up straight and putting an arm around Sofía's shoulders, as he was taller than her, and ruffling Gabriela's hair. The youngest Pérez hit her brother in the stomach with her fist, hard, making all air leave his lungs as he doubled over in pain, Sofía falling to the ground in the process since his arm was around her shoulders.

"Nunca aprendes, idiota." Gabriela muttered and flicked some hair that had fallen out of her ponytail out of her face. Sofía smirked from where she lay on her back on the ground before hooking her foot between Gabriela's legs and sweeping the 14-year-old's legs out from under her, making her fall to the ground as well.

Oliver chuckled, an amused smile on his face but that quickly changed into a shocked expression when Gabriela grabbed his arm and pulled him down next to her. The three Pérez siblings suddenly erupted into laughter as all three of them lay on their backs on the grass. Oliver let out a happy sigh as he stared up at the stars that filled the sky.

Suddenly the sprinklers started, making Gabriela quickly get up from the ground and run over to the bleachers to start packing away her pencils and her sketchbooks before they were ruined. Oliver and Sofía laughed at her speed before getting up from the ground as well, going over to help her. Once they were done, Oliver grabbed his bag before they made their way over to the car, all three of them now completely soaked.

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