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"Once we make sure Derek doesn't get killed by either the police or the Argents, I'm killing him myself!" Sofía sneered as she increased the velocity, speeding through the streets of Beacon Hills in Derek's black Camaro.

Oliver who was seated in the back with Scott and Stiles spared a quick glance back at Kate Argent's rapidly approaching SUV and swallowed nervously. "Uh, Sof? She's gaining on us. Quickly."

Sofía clenched her jaw, looking through the rearview mirror with a scowl on her face. "Do I need to go any faster?" she asked them, turning through a new street.

Stiles nodded. "Much faster."

The Pérez woman tilted her head. "Alright then, hold on tight!" without any further warnings, she shifted the gears and took a sharp turn, successfully shaking Kate off their trail momentarily. The engine revved as she pressed her foot further down on the gas pedal, gritting her teeth as the wheels beneath the car skidded in protest.

Oliver's eyes widened when he noticed Kate's SUV emerging from a narrow alley. "Look out!" he called out, heart beating rapidly in his chest.

Kate smirked as she blocked the way for them, hoping to make them stop. But Sofía simply tilted her head, inhaling sharply through her nose. She once again shifted the gears and slammed her foot down on the brakes, turning the wheel sharply to the right. The wheels let out a glass-shattering screech as it spun around, positioning itself in front of Kate's SUV again.

Sofía pressed down on the gas and began the chase for a second time. Stiles wore an amazed expression as he bounced in his seat, while Scott looked like he might puke and Oliver appeared to have a heart attack.

"Can you do that again?" Stiles eagerly inquired as he leaned between the seats. Sofía snickered before pushing his head back with the palm of her hand.

"I'd rather not, Stiles,"

Scott closed his eyes briefly, looking very queasy. "Do we need to go this fast?" he hesitantly asked them, making Stiles roll his eyes.

"Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase, here," he stated, sharing a look with Sofía as she instead sped up when Kate came closer.

"You're gonna kill us." Scott insisted, worriedly glancing around at the speeding-by surroundings. 

Sofía grimaced, her ponytail whipping around when she threw the boys a quick glance. "Well, if I don't go any faster, the hunters will kill us instead. What do you prefer? Death by execution once they inevitably find out about you being a werewolf after catching us or a car accident during a car chase? Personally, I think the latter sounds way cooler."

Stiles nodded. "I'm gonna have to agree on that."

Oliver pursed his lips, raising his hands slightly. "Ditto."

"I'm gonna have to get rid of her," Sofía concluded once she noticed how close Kate had gotten. 

She took a sharp turn onto a narrow road, driving through the maze-like neighborhood easily from having checked it out during one of her patrols. She noticed Kate hesitating at every turn, not wanting to drive of the road. Meanwhile, Sofía only sped up, getting rid of her once and for all.

"She's gone." Stiles laughed in relief, snatching the walkie-talkie he'd stolen from his father to check up on the situation.

"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works." a voice said when he clicked it on.

Sofía made a face of confusion. "What the heck is he doing?" she inquired out loud, mumbling under her breath as she took a left into the Iron works.

Oliver pointed through the window. "Over there!" he motioned to a forklift Derek was crouched down behind, hiding from Chris Argent with a crossbow.

Crazy about you - Lydia MartinWhere stories live. Discover now