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Oliver frantically ran down the stairs leading to the first floor, panic evident on his face. With rushed and loud steps, he entered the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the counter. Sofía, who was seated by the kitchen island, raised her eyebrows at him, the coffee she was just about to drink forgotten entirely in her hand.

"What's got you so stressed?" she asked, slight amusement visible on her face as she watched him try to carry his bag, the apple, and now a bottle of water in the same hand. "I was supposed to meet up with Mr. Harris before homeroom today. It had something to do with my totally awesome chemistry grade," he said plainly before rushing into the living room to gather his lacrosse gear.

Sofía snorted loudly as she took a sip of her coffee, fingers drumming against the counter. "Oliver, we all know you suck at chemistry. I've gotten four calls from Mr. Harris just this week about your low grade and poor behavior in class. He hates you." she called out loud enough for him to hear.

Oliver appeared in the kitchen once more, his shoes, jacket, and backpack on. "Ha ha, very funny, Sof," he said in an unamused voice, watching as she smiled innocently at him. "Where's Gabbi by the way?" he inquired, noticing the lack of fashion talk and snide remarks. "I think she caught a ride with Hayden and Valerie. She said something about you being annoying before she left." Sofía replied casually as she finished her coffee.

"Are you ready?" Oliver asked suddenly, making his sister raise her eyebrows. "Ready for what?" she asked back, general confusion visible on her face. Oliver rolled his eyes, leaning against the doorway as he looked at her. "To drive me to school?" his words made Sofía widen her eyes and she quickly got up from her chair.

"Mierda! I knew I forgot something!" she swore under her breath as she quickly gathered her things, rushing out the door with an amused Oliver behind her.

(Mierda = shit)


The sibling duo sat in silence in the car, Oliver playing a meaningless game on his phone as Sofía hummed along with the radio. The eldest of them turned around when she heard an SMS signal and she raised her eyebrows when she saw her brother ignore a text from Scott.

"You're still not speaking to him?" she asked after a minute of silence. When Oliver shook his head, she scoffed loudly. "Oh, come on, Ollie. It's been three days. Cut him some slack. I didn't hold a grudge like this when you took our little sister into the woods to search for a body." she whacked the back of his head with her hand, a small smile playing on her lips.

Oliver gave her a dirty look before turning back to his phone, leaning slightly against the door. "That was different! I didn't hurt Gabbi. Scott, however, did." he pointed out, and Sofía slowly nodded in agreement.

Gabriela and Oliver had told their sister a simple lie about what had happened. According to their story, Scott and Stiles had gotten into a small argument about the latter's date. Stiles had taken Scott's phone, who had accidentally pushed Gabriela to the floor whilst trying to get it back. Oliver wasn't really happy about lying, but he couldn't exactly tell his sister that Scott almost turned into a werewolf and scratched Gabriela with his claws.

"Didn't you go to high school with Derek Hale?" Oliver suddenly asked, catching his sister off guard. "Uh, yeah, I did. Why?" she questioned, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "We meet him in the woods last week when we were searching for Scott's inhaler," he replied with a shrug, completely missing the suspicious expression on his sister's face.

Sofía nodded slowly before putting on a bright smile on her face, elbowing her brother softly on his arm. "How about I come and watch your next game? Coach tells me my training really helped." her words made Oliver smile before nodding and Sofía grinned back.

Crazy about you - Lydia MartinWhere stories live. Discover now