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Oliver's relaxing afternoon got cut short when Stiles called him, once again needing his help with something regarding the supernatural at his house. He'd groaned in annoyance as he complained about never getting any free time but Stiles had paid him no mind, dismissing him entirely before hanging up the call.

Sofía, who was still not fully cleared to return to work due to her wounded leg, had listened in to their conversation, all too caught up in the situation to but out of her brother's life. She'd been sitting in the car when he walked out of the house, eyebrows raised as she held her hand out for him to give her the car keys. Oliver had simply sighed, wishing he lived a much simpler life than the one he did. Preferably one where his older sister minded her own business.

Stiles had been pacing in front of his house when the siblings pulled into his driveway. He sighed in relief once he spotted Sofía exiting the vehicle, grabbing her arm, and dragging her through the front door with him. Oliver was left alone, scurrying after them with furrowed eyebrows.

"Thank God you're here!" Stiles spoke in a hushed tone, glancing suspiciously at the spot in the ceiling that was the floor of his bedroom. "I walked into my room no more than a few minutes ago and he was just standing in the corner like a freaking creep, glowering at me like I was the one trespassing!"

Sofía placed a hand on his shoulder, eyebrows raised at his spastic but very usual behavior. "Slow down, Stiles. Who's in your room?" she questioned, making him grimace in utter distaste, forcing himself to speak.

"Your boyfriend!" he exclaimed, practically shuddering as he referred from mentioning the man's name.

Oliver made a face, glancing at the ceiling as Sofía frowned in confusion.

"Boyfriend? As far as I know, Stiles, I don't have a boyfriend," she remarked, folding her arms across her chest.

Hiding a smirk, Oliver patted her shoulder as he walked past her, beginning to make his way to Stiles' bedroom. "Pardon, Stiles, Sof. He forgot the 'ex' in front of the word boyfriend." he grinned when Sofía's face converted into an expression of pure disbelief.

"It finally happened," she stated, shaking her head as she and Stiles followed Oliver up the stairs. "He's finally lost his mind."

Derek sat on Stiles' bed when the teens and Sofía entered, the latter of them wearing a sour expression. She marched over to her former boyfriend, punching his arm as hard as she could before falling into Stiles' desk chair with a sigh.

"I didn't think you'd ever sink this low, Der. Breaking into teenager's rooms is just not it. Get a grip or I'm gonna have to arrest you. Again! And I'm not too keen on having arrested you twice since you've been back." she told him seriously, pointing a finger straight at his chest.

Derek rolled his eyes. "Well, I wouldn't have had to break into Stiles' room if any of you kept me in the loop, Sof! A simple text would've sufficed."

Oliver raised his eyebrows, giving the older man a deadpanned look. "Scott said he would text you-- Oh, wait! He couldn't because you smashed his phone into a freaking wall." he sarcastically remarked.

Sofía pinched the bridge of her nose. "Really, Derek? Really?"

Her former boyfriend promptly ignored her as he focused back on the reason he broke into Stiles' room in the first place. "So what happened today? Did Scott manage to get the necklace or what?"

Oliver grimaced. "Not exactly... But he did manage to get Allison to possibly hate him. Oh! And Jackson knows about him being a werewolf." 

Sofía and Derek wore similar shocked expressions, eyes wide in disbelief.

Crazy about you - Lydia MartinWhere stories live. Discover now