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The boys returned to the locker room to put away most of the equipment they'd used. Stiles had decided to keep Coach's phone and insisted Scott have the monitor on for the rest of the day to find out what triggered his shifts and what calmed him down.

The McCall boy's mood was understandably glum after coming to the realization that he couldn't be close to Allison and it seemed he'd adopted some of Derek's pessimism from hanging out with him.

Oliver rolled his eyes as he for the fifth time in ten minutes listened to him whine about never being able to be close to his girlfriend, his whole reason for existence, ever again. "Dude, please stop it with the complaining. I'm about this close--" he brought his pointer finger and thumb up into their line of sight, keeping them as close together as possible without actually touching. "to taking Jackson's suggestion from the other day and stabbing myself in the face with a fork." he deadpanned, and Scott sheepishly shut his mouth.


Stiles put the duffle bag down on a bench, leaning against some of the lockers as he shrugged halfheartedly. "And what's with the negativity, dude? So you stay away from her for a few days, you can do that," he remarked, folding his arms together over his chest. "Worst case scenario, you just won't be physically close to her for a week or something. Did Derek say anything about texting?"

Scott gave him a sarcastic smile. "No, but he smashed my phone against a wall while he was hunting me through a parking garage so I'd say texting is out of the question," he explained, making Oliver snort rather loudly. Scott rolled his eyes. "But the real question is, do I have to stay away from her just a couple of days, or is it forever?"

The Stilinski boy narrowed his eyes. "You know, this whole 'women make you weak' thing is a little too Spartan warrior for me," he remarked.

Oliver nodded. "Yeah, what the hell was that about, man? It's not Allison's fault you can't keep your cool around her." he said with a disapproving look. "It's probably just part of the learning process. Stay away from what makes you the most wolf-like or whatever."

Letting out a small huff, Scott pursed his lips. "Yeah, but you've seen Derek. I mean, the guy's totally alone." he pointed out skeptically. "What if I can, like, never be around her again?"

Oliver chuckled dryly. "Have you met Derek, Scott? The guy's got zero social skills, which is probably why he doesn't have any friends. He drives them away." he stated with a shrug. "It wouldn't surprise me if his idea of hanging out is listening to Taylor Swift or something whilst thinking over your life problems." Stiles didn't bother hiding his amusement as Oliver patted Scott's chest. "You're fine, dude."

"Besides..." Stiles butted into the conversation, trailing off hesitantly before continuing. "If you're not dead, would not seeing Allison really be the worst thing in the entire world?" he inquired, voice dead serious.

Scott frowned. "Yes," he replied without a second thought. "I'd rather be dead than not see her."

Oliver made a face. "Maybe you should reevaluate your priorities? I mean, how would watching Allison fall in love with someone else in the supernatural afterlife be any better than doing it in person?"

Stiles raised his eyebrows in surprise at his best friend's words. "Wow, dude. All your hanging out with Lydia is really changing your attitude, and not entirely for the better." he pointed out, Scott nodding rapidly in agreement. "Being mean is more of Gabriela's job, alright. You're more of the mom."

The Pérez boy rolled his eyes before slapping the back of their heads. "Better?"

"No," Stiles grumbled while rubbing his neck.

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