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Oliver gritted his teeth in annoyance as he peered up at Derek who stood grinning above him. Rage bubbled up in his chest and for a brief moment, his eyes flashed a vibrant yellow, claws extending from the tips of his fingers and replacing his nails. 

"Oliver," Sofía warned as she sipped on her coffee a few paces away from them, seated on the staircase.

"I know," he responded through an irritated grunt, digging his claws into the palm of his hands to try and focus on slowing down his abnormal heart rate.

Images of Lydia flashed through his head and slowly he relaxed. It seemed like ages ago he'd seen her smile when reality it had only been a few hours since he'd last visited her at the hospital. He'd promised to come once more before the day was over.

Derek extended his hand to help the teenage boy up from the floor and lazily Oliver accepted it. He nodded in thanks once he stood properly on the ground once more, his spine aching with pain from being thrown into a wall just moments earlier.

"You're getting better at controlling your anger," Derek remarked as he approached Sofía who handed him the coffee she'd picked up for him at a cafe downtown. She'd been allowed to get back to work finally, but only to do desk work and so she spent every free hour helping them at the railway. "You find an anchor yet?"

Hesitantly, Oliver nodded, bringing his arm up to scratch the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah, I think so. Thinking about Lydia always seems to help to keep me calm." he groaned, burying his face in his hands. "And to think I thought Scott was pathetic when it was the same for him with Allison."

Sofía slapped Derek's shoulder when he laughed at the teenage boy, bearing the expression of a scolding mother. And that only seemed to make him laugh harder.

"Don't be an ass, Derek," she said, rolling her eyes when the man smiled cheekily at her as a form of an apology. Her lips tugged upward slightly as she glanced at her brother. "Ignore him. He's got a stick up his ass this morning," she remarked as she propped her chin up on her hand. "I think it's sweet."

Although appreciative of her support, Oliver coughed a laugh. Of course she found it sweet. She was a sucker for romance. Gabriela and Stiles, however, would only use it as an excuse to tease and ridicule him further. They'd been ruthless ever since he began visiting the pretty strawberry blonde at the hospital.

"Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it." a smirk played at his lips as his eyes flickered between his sister and her ex-boyfriend. "I need to get to the hospital before visiting hours are over. No frisky business while I'm gone, alright? Stay decent at all times, please."

His laughter echoed as he sprinted up the stairs, leaving a flustered Sofía and awkward Derek behind.


Stiles was sleeping on the waiting room chairs when Oliver arrived, sprawled out over the armrests with a 'get well' balloon for Lydia tied around his wrist. Gabriela scrolled through her phone as she leaned against his legs from her place on the floor, obviously bored out of her mind.

"Hey, Gabbi. What are you two doing here?" Oliver questioned as he stepped toward them. Not that he was complaining about their presence, but it was odd seeing the both of them there. Especially since neither of them had shown a great interest in visiting Lydia before.

His sister removed her gaze from her phone at his voice and patted Stiles' knee as she spoke. "Stiles here, apparently, was dying to talk with you about Derek. Something about still not trusting him and that he was the superior wolfie teacher?" she squinted, trying to kickstart her memory before giving up with a shrug. "I turned him out after a while. He can be very annoying."

Crazy about you - Lydia MartinWhere stories live. Discover now